Baramos x

*holds envelope up to his forehead*

Words fail.

It's going away soon, as I believe Top Hat Week has ended. Maybe we can all bring it back again next year.

I think most of the more famous school shootings are indeed a "suicide mission" "suicide by cop" scenario in pretty much all cases.

Wouldn't not having a gun reduce gun suicides? You'd have to kill yourself some other way.

The AR-15 is an example of a semi-automatic assault-style rifle. It requires a separate trigger pull for each shot, which separates it from a fully-automatic rifle. It's the civilian model of the M16.

He'll be putting his foot in his mouth momentariliy.

BIG AMERICAN CARTOON! Kevin Smith a cartoon character?! How can this be?!

*Kevin Smith opens closet, pulls out Devils hockey jersey from row of identical Devils hockey jerseys*

I'd be too afraid of the door coming down and trapping it to whip it out…

I like some of his "Fatman on Batman" stuff, especially the interviews with Neal Adams and Denny O'Neill.

Some combo, like "Leg-o-liss", I think.

I think people try to qualify it too much—sure, pretty much anybody could have played Legolas, Will Tanner, etc. and been successful. But just because Bloom happened to be the fortunate one isn't a reason to hate on him all the time. The vagaries of fortune have benefited numerous actors.

He'll never do something really amazing, like surf down steps on top of a metal shield while firing arrows!

60 percent of the time he's right 100 percent of the time.

Next you'll be saying Tolkein's fantastical halflings have little in common with real-life little people, or that I can't ride on an eagle's back!

It's a bit like real-life Biblical prophecy—people use the line "there will be wars, and rumors of wars, and earthquakes and famines in divers places" as proof that we are in the Last Days, despite that line being so vague it fits perfectly into pretty much any era of human history. But that won't stop Jack Van Impe.

Haven't seen Snowpiercer yet, though I HAVE seen one of the funniest YTMNDs in years because of it:

The efficacy of laws is always secondary to their creation and enforcement, anyway—I don't know what impact speeding laws have on the rate of people speeding, but I'm guessing minimal. Doesn't mean there shouldn't be a law against going 80 MPH in a 30 MPH zone.

Well people tend to do the murdering with the guns.