
Did... you just call basic scientific discussion “weasel words”?

Question: What studies have you been reading that are ever 100% sure that they have found what they have found?

Because I will say that I’m CERTAIN that uncertain words are generally typical of most scientific and technical conversations.

For example:

If you

Just wait until it crosses over onto The Takeout and someone writes a make-believe letter to The Salty Waitress: “Dear Salty, if I recline my airplane seat into the person behind me, do I have to tip my server?”

Have we not covered on Lifehacker the topic of reclining seats enough?

I think they are a good series on their own but do a horrible job of portraying the character. The Amazon series Jack Ryan is basically a combination of Jack Ryan and John Kelly/Clark, moreso the later character.

I think they are a good series on their own but do a horrible job of portraying the character. The Amazon series

We have two kids, a 6 year old boy, and a 3.5 year old girl. We have tried really hard not to instill gender stereotypes in them. I think it helps that we as parents don’t always fulfill the “traditional” gender rolls. I do work outside of the home and my wife is currently at home. We do combat this though. I do most

Agreed, what you see is what you get and it’s worked this way for the past 5000 years or so. Nothing has changed other than the wingnuts saying they want to defy biology.

“we also want to not assume that their outward gender appearance is their internal gender identity”

It’s only illegal if there are consequences. There may be investigations happening but if those end up being meaningless -- either the Senate refuses to convict, or the next President’s DOJ does not pursue Trump after the fact -- then we have a new precedent that accepting emoluments is a legal activity.

Yawwwwwn.  Progressives bore me. 

So...after they spend up to said trillions of dollars and nothing changes; except the pockets of the few who stand to gain said trillions...then what?

I really need to start remembering that I live less than 2 hours away and could easily just GO to one of the launches.  I’ve got a KSC annual pass, too, so it’d only cost me the gas.

I miss the old Lifehacker before it was bought out.

Can someone remind me what the difference is between Lifehacker and, say, Splinter? It used to be that Lifehacker presented life hacks, while Splinter promoted the leftist agenda. Now that they both just do the latter, Lifehacker is starting to feel rather redundant - not to mention misnamed.

Could you reference your article when President Obama started this? Also most of these illegal immigrants are living better than they would in their country or in the US by coming illegally.

throw up your hands and delete Facebook for good

How about a similar program to support organizations that don’t condone baby killing?

...the cost—of the abortion itself, of travel, of taking time off from work—can make getting an abortion incredibly difficult and burdensome.

I think I’ll stay with my practice of going to places that have what I want, at a price I’m comfortable with, and are not too far away from my location.

This is so sexist. Why search for an woman-owned company? If a company makes a good product, or offers a good service, that should be enough.
Ask yourself this: If the quality was poor, or service was crap, would you still utilize that establishment just because a woman owned it? Would you pay more the same quality