
We’ve learned that shooting yourself in the foot can be framed as a glamorous victory over the plutocrats.

Curious thing for me is that many of my progressive friends HATE hobby lobby. I get how much the health care stance stirs them up, but it is a right leaning business that is a great example of how businesses can pay their employees far better than the minimum yet still have decent locations, well organized stores,

It’s hypocritical to complain about Fox while not holding MSNBC and CNN to the same standard.  

They never can explain why companies, who are more than happy to outsource to overseas because of cheaper labor costs, couldn’t simply hire more women since they are supposedly paid less than men.

To be fair, there is one, but it’s also linked to a ton of other gaps that proponents of this nonsense never bother to discuss, like the massive occupational fatality/permanent injury/maiming gap, or the life expectancy gap, or the alimony gap, yada yada yada. The fact that one job pays more than another does not in

Can we let the gender pay gap myth die already

There is no wage gap.  This has been debunked over and over again.

I see LH is now synonymous with vox/slate............... noted

So instead of dusting our shoes with baking soda at $0.30 per ton, we should opt for special socks costing more like $30 per ounce??

So instead of dusting our shoes with baking soda at $0.30 per ton, we should opt for special socks costing more like

“ Were I shopping for a new VPN, I’d fire up Excel or Google Sheets and create a giant analysis that looks at how various services address the various talking points I just highlighted”

16 times only happens if you are an idiot.

You proved his point. You’re a member of the snowflake jihad, a mob of leftists who refuse to hear opposing opinions and who react with disdain/anger/outrage/panic to anyone who’s not a member of your cult.

I like the photo for this article (showing a child in a womb). It shows precisely why so many of us believe in protecting the health (life) of unborn children.

Not really sure what the big deal for TX is. Show that you live at the address you’re claiming and sign a statement saying that you are who you say you are. If you’re not eligible to vote or are voting as someone else, shouldn’t there be some sort of criminal penalty? I thought that sort of thing was illegal.

But - it

Not how.  Why watch the Emmy Award Show?

I’m planning on taking a nap, but that’s a good choice too.

So, we’re back to rounded UI elements again, uh?