
What a silly stunt! I’ve noticed how pro-Ukraine MSNBC & Joy Reid have been, but this is whack! So is he gonna serve with the neo-Nazi units or what? And yes, Ukraine has a neo-Nazi movement thats been fully integrated into the military which mainstream media seem to miss. I for one, though I wish the Ukrainian people

Ok, this is going to be an unpopular opinion: This is a white people war.

She was staring at the cue cards and laughing through almost every skit.

She’s been a millstone around the show’s neck for a few years now.

Can we also finally admit that Kate McKinnon, although very talented, might be a tad overrated versus a criminally underrated and far more versatile Cecily Strong? Kate’s Fauci and Giuliani impressions sound exactly alike, with neither sounding anything remotely like the men she’s supposedly imitating. And on that

Why do we condemn Russia for being an undemocratic oligarchy again? 

Considering the debates are often about who lies the best and most often, I’m gonna go with a resounding ‘meh’.

yeah. it’s just Ukraine. everything was good before that.

I feel the same when i see a person driving alone in their car with a mask on, or at the park all alone with a mask on, or when they put their mask on for a MSM news recording. 

can one ask these questions?

This is a bit lazy, eh? Easier than digging into thorny questions of societal forgiveness, at any rate.

What’s the protocol here? Should he just never perform or be creative? 

“There has been zero change in the way comedy is run”

He publicly owned up to it and apologized. He had a megadeal with FX taken away. Comedy clubs were refunding people if customers could not stand to see him and walk out. Millions in tour dates cancelled. A solid 3+ years laying low...and she’s against cancel culture, but wants him to still pay for what he did?  All

For me, Eggers is hands-down the best and most intriguing “new” director out there.

Hopefully it will!

Come on, none of these people are real. 

It’s really no different than Fox News selecting the most unflattering picture possible of Hillary Clinton or Nancy Pelosi. You can tell from the body language in the photo that’s it one of those “hey can I get a picture with you” moments, not “we’re best buds!”. If you want to see the besties pictures with Epstein

This has became the laziest piece of shit website to ever exist