

I wonder how much Candace was paid for this article. It’s worse than any of Chris Rock’s jokes. She has offended all readers by publishing this article even so I do not condone anyone slapping her. 

One of the most bitter human beings on the internet, and in her case, deserves to be with that attitude. Let her seethe and flail about in a rage that the universe is not sensitive to what she’s sensitive. Maybe in a thousand years she’ll grow the f*ck up.

First a post where The Root stans for a pedophile, and now this...
Is this really the stance you want to take? SMDH


Terrific story. You should write a novel.

a reddit post turned into a block club article getting its final run on the root.

It’s so barbaric that she’s being imprisoned for having a vape cart on her. If only this happened in a country that doesn’t unduly punish black people for drug crimes, like the US. 

You really go for stream of consciousness with this account, huh.

I will bet if you try real real hard, you can find one or two differences between the anti-gay protesters who repeatedly showed up at the private funerals of soldiers who were not public figures in any way shape or form to try to protest homosexuality and what they perceived as the “gay agenda” which those dead

Kobe Bryant is a rapist who never spent a day in jail so fuck him and fuck his scumbag degenerate fans.

Nazis and white supremacists loved Kobe because he was a rapist that got away with it.  

We’re stopping the rise of fascism in America like we’re stopping climate change.

I hope I’m not spoiling the ending of this series by letting everyone know that nothing at all will come of this, and we’ll just have a marginally better attempt at a coup sometime later this decade that will probably succeed at least partially, and then the show will be cancelled.

Liberalism is diametrically opposed to leftism

It didn't take Disney to ruin the second one, so I believe him.

Yeah I was wondering about that too. That last paragraph sure looks like an advertisement for CK’s film. Why bother telling us the plot and actors involved if the tone of your article is that we shouldn’t be giving this attention?

The fact that this article exists shows that it does.

I still love Louis but I don’t care much about his filmmaking career. If the film is well-reviewed, I would consider buying or renting it from his website but I wouldn’t see it in a theater. Hopefully he’ll get back to more stand-up soon. That’s all I want from him as a fan.

This cognitive dissonance with the entertainment media - where they insist that Louis CK remain a pariah but continue to report on every single thing he does in his career - is fascinating.