
Meanwhile, around that time, in Colombia (where I am from), a neighbor was getting gunned down in front of me and my siblings for getting involved with a gangsters’ wife. I still have nightmares about that day. And no, it wasn't the first time somebody was shot nearby, but the first time I saw it from such a short

 Fifteen years ago...

 Insufferable family, everyone of them.

This whole family is so incredibly annoying.

literally not a single racial or gendered connotation there. Nice try, loser. Learn to read.

Good god, what a pompous ratbag

JFC. Table scraps.

Oh c’mon. Just agree. He’s right and you know it. You didn’t open any damn doors and it’s absolute bullshit to pretend this was some bold move that empowered anybody.

Oh, cool.

So this hack site will give ink to streamers and people who tweet a lot, and you have the gall to question weather or not Seth Green, who has been in film since he was 10, and has created more for the world in one year than you have in your whole life , is actually famous?

She is on tape admitting to being physically abusive toward him and has been caught under oath lying about charitable donations. Anyone supporting her is utter trash.

Biden is a mainstream neoliberal piece of shit from last century and will do nothing, unless he realizes (correctly) that it will be even easier for the state to maintain student borrowers in permanent neo-serfdom by transferring oversight for a portion of their debt from the relatively tame Department of Education to

If you don’t think the first targets of domestic terrorism legislation won’t be POC I have a bridge to sell you. 

Yeah I can’t imagine how hard it must have been for those poor, poor people. 

Yeah I know. You might hear jokes you don’t like!  

You almost never know who the opening act is for a comedy show and sometimes you don’t like that act.

I’m betting it had more to do with violently shitting on someone’s bed.

There’s nothing that comes from any “heat” any of these cowards “receive”. Fake outrage as far as I’m concerned. This country’s “leaders” have not and will not do ANYTHING to these people that will cripple them financially and socially. The media doesn’t really go in on them as they should. It’s all fluff. Remember

“Bring her home”: you had several weeks since writing your last piece on this to say how this might be accomplished, and came up with... (scans article again) nothing. Not a practicable pay structure for the WNBA, not a path forward for the State Department, not a reasonable action that any individual reading this

You don’t seem to grasp the concept of “jurisdiction”. The US has no authority over the drug laws of other nations. The US has no legal authority to enforce US law in foreign territory. The US can only set up importation rules that every country must follow, and export guidelines for countries willing to agree to