
The Root loves tasting rich guy dick.   Fucking pathetic what willing toadies you losers are for rich people.   

Fuck the royal family of child rapists and their enablers.  They are lucky all we do is yell stuff.  Fuck you. 

AV Club used to get 1000s of comments on their reviews but then they decided they wanted to turn into a shit website that covers shitty disney bullshit.

Biden is on the same side as those “corporate trusts.”   That’s why he is a complete failure of President.  

Israel is modern day Nazi Germany

Democrats are cowards for not indicting Trump and liars for pretending they will. 

After Amber Heard white women just need to shut the fuck up for a few months.  

Marvel fans are losers with terrible taste.  Grow up children.  

That’s cool she is attending a racist university that doesn’t consider non whites to be human.  

Democrats need zero Republican votes to improve gun laws.  They are choosing to do nothing because Democrats only care about getting paid under Biden, Obama, Clintons, Pelosi, and Schumer.   They don’t care about saving lives or helping people.  

Chappelle would fight tooth and nail to keep those black victims out of the rich guy town he lives in. 

Democrats cared so little about protecting Roe vs. Wade they let this nut on the Supreme Court and put demented Dianne Feinstein in charge of stopping her.  

And I’ve already spotted at least a few folks who’ve bought tickets.”

The Root picked Biden over Bernie.   Biden’s failures are on all you scumbags who picked Biden over Bernie.  If you picked Biden over Bernie you were stupid, uninformed, sexist, and racist.  

The only funny thing about Kate McKinnon is that she dated noted bigot Bari Weiss and worked to get Donald Trump elected President.

Most people have to wear some stupid uniform for a job they hate almost every single day of their life. You think workers that serve dumb scum like you like having to dress in an outfit a corporation chooses? Boo fucking hoo for the millionaire.

Boo hoo a rich person had to wear something they didn’t want to wear.   Give them an award so they won’t be so sad in their mansion.  

The world is falling apart because of evil rich people. Shut the fuck up.

Fuck this Hollywood millionaire coward and their stupid easy to solve problems. Try living without a place to live, worrying where your next meal is coming from, and without access to proper healthcare. Rich people should shut the fuck up about their “problems.

Jada fucks her son’s friends. She’s a creepy pervert weirdo.