
Obama murdered an American child with a drone.  

Shitty old people never want to move on and let young people have their chance.   All these old Brits can go fuck themselves.   

You are a shitty person with garbage takes.  Go fuck yourself loser.  

Nice glasses lol 

The AV Club really must love Anthony Anderson because they are leaving out his long and disturbing record of sexual assault and violence.   Compare this story to any story featuring someone like Louis CK.    Mary Kate Carr owes Anthony Anderson’s many victims an apology.  

You are human garbage.   Fucking piece of shit loser. How is an evil piece of shit like you out of the greys?   Fucking loser. 

Shut the fuck up you dumb piece of shit. Why would you defend Biden looking out for the rich and fucking over his base you stupid piece of shit.

Knew the coward ass Democrats would take it easy on her. Fucking losers.

Don’t you understand the baby brains that enjoy Marvel need to think that their little shows about men in tights are important?  

The Root loves Kobe Bryant so it is only a matter of time before they start cheerleading another rapist like Watson. 

Domestic abuser Britney Griner.

The Democrats control Congress and the Presidency.  They need zero votes from Republicans to change the law.  

Democrats fight way harder against Bernie Sanders than they do against Nazi mass shooters.   That’s the problem.   

This is why Senator Mix A Lot’s “Right to Twerk” legislation is so important.  

If Jezebel and the CBC really wanted student debt relief they would have tried to elect Bernie Sanders.  

Democrats won’t get anything done to help people.  They are corrupt and useless under Biden, Pelosi, and Schumer.  

Obama was a lousy President but his podcast with Bruce Springsteen is amazing.  

Sorry I’ve been too busy listening to Obama’s Bruce Springsteen podcast to give a shit about any of this crap.  

Kate McKinnon and anyone who likes her is insufferable. She dated Bari Weiss and helped Trump get elected you fucking dumb assholes.

Marvel is shit.   Can’t you children grow the fuck up?