
ETA depends on what time the alleged robbers arrive obviously.

Most of the time this is what people say when they have lost a significant debate with a superior argument.

Unfortunately the child chose the single worst path: scream at the guy with the gun while inside the daughter's room who has confirmed that you are a threat.

Looks like we have someone who loves the 2nd Amendment here....

Easy to say this man was not a threat after the fact, but the father was told he was a threat, then the man became erratic. The father had no choice.

The father was told he was trespassing.

Demonize a boy for what? I'm just laying out the facts as the father saw them. This is important because the father had a gun. YOUR the one who chooses to ignore this and pretend like the father had a choice.

You are wrong. This is evolution.

Travyon Martin started a fight and lost. That's pretty much it. Bad attitudes will get you killed.

I guess that even today in 2014 not everyone is swayed by science and evolutionary theory.

Leisurely? When your house is being robbed? Uh... I don't think so.

It was technically self-defence.

I already outlined the justification the father used to exterminate this threat. Was he a threat? Maybe not. But the father is not a psychic.

Basically, this happened to Trayon Martin too, like I said to you're other account that's saying the same thing. It happens all the time. This is evolution in action. Science in action.

This happened to Travis Martin as well, we can assume it's fairly common... so on a larger scale its part of evolution and the job of evolution is to improve the gene pool. That's what they say, anyways.

That's why we have to stick to the facts we know: The father encountered what he believed was an intruder in his daughter's bedroom. The father had a gun. The intruder became erratic and reached into his pants. The father fired a bullet from the gun that went into or maybe through his head and the threat was

Not sure why your being argumentitive.

Well yeah, I mean assuming you aren't tied up but that rarely happens. Lets not get paranoid.

The father believed he was trespassing because the daughter said she did not know him. The father had a gun. The father had a gun and believed the young man who was screaming at him in his daughter's room was ttrespassing.

I mean, I would favor banning all guns except those used by the government but seriously this is a pretty good idea. This situation would have been avoided unless the kid was still there after the father went to the storage unit?