
So here's to hoping that she gets more screen time in season 3? She's definitely one of my favorites, but I don't feel like the writers ever focused on her enough, outside the episode that had the flashbacks to her life pre-prison.

The Bruce Jenner joke got an eyebrow raise from me.

she rules. I'm so bummed they reduced her role in season 2.

The sort of shorthand version: my now husband and I had no intention of getting married when we were buying our house together. EVERY person we talked to about basically anything RE: house asked either when we were getting married, is your spouse ok with this or something related to our marital status. It took every

Tell us more about accomplishing "real journalism," Dodai. Isn't the thrust of this piece that Anna told them no? What's Jezebel protocol when Blue Apron leans on you for support, and what happened to my popular comment?

I'm afraid I said something true.

Hmmm, my post has conspicuously disappeared. Did I say something true?

Shouldn't it be "quash", not "squash"?

What happened to the Blue Apron/Lena Dunham/"real journalism" comment?

Since it's illegal for them to ask you that, it should be legally and ethically fine to lie when you answer. "Unfortunately, we can't have children due to medical reasons. But we've come to terms with it and we're still very happy and fulfilled with our family being just the two of us." Then, later down the line if

It's infuriating, and I'm still looking for a job and now mega self-conscious. And I don't even know whether we're going to have children.

I've had that happen before too. They asked me when I was getting married and when I was planning to have kids even though it's very illegal to ask such things...and it was a woman interviewing me. I got the job but was very angry they feel women are a detriment because they may get married or pregnant

I know, but I don't know what I could do about it.

Because it's a great place to see different ideas in the comment section, hear stories and consider things I otherwise wouldn't be exposed to. Also, nowhere else that I have found is as good at putting all these different articles in the same place. But when it comes to writing, editing and responsibility, there's a

The authors on this site call themselves journalists. That's not a title you get to claim when your actions repeatedly show you are anything but.

To be honest, I didn't get much from this article. Educated women do better?

They're bound to the same editorial standards. Let's say your name is Joe Smith. Jezebel can't publish an article that says "Joe Smith fucks dogs" and then say "well we're a blog not a news site we can do whatever we want"

Was thinking the same thing.

You know you can't put "allegedly" in the article and not the headline and then pretend this is remotely a real news site

Other than being the daughter of a neoliberal war hawk and fair weather centrist, I can't think of a single think this young woman has done to deserve any form of media coverage.