
so I'm not a huge fan of her music (not hating on it- it's just not to my taste) but anyone who is that good with kids, esp. Sick kids is great in my book. And this kid is adorable without even trying. Man.


And TSwift continues to become someone I really really admire.

I've noticed that in all coverage of this gal and her closet, she's referred to as "[adjective] woman," "socialite," even "wife of Houston man"—but how about "entrepreneur"? Like others, I saw this and immediately wondered whom she married—but I googled it, and the fact that she grew up poor and founded a fitness

I wanted to dislike Taylor Swift so badly because I'm a grumpy hipster like that but I just can't. I like her. do you hear that world?!

I shudder every time I hear or read the mangling of the English language that is "burglarized."

I'm going to use you as a stand-in for every complete fucking moron saying that anything in here is "offensive" or "why am I offended": I'm not offended. I am weirded the fuck out and a little scared. There is a pronounced difference — and if people think there is something wrong with me feeling that way, they're

The funniest thing about this story is that there's little more than any of us can hope for in life than to have someone to share it with for 62 years, but I guarantee not a single time did either of these people in response to a sad or emotional situation say "it's raining on my face" or "it sure is dusty in here" or

One can look at that couples photo at the top of the article, and can very easily imagine them as newly-weds...young, attractive, strong, ready to tag-team against the world to manifest their own happiness together.

... Have you been to Ibiza? And if Bloom and DiCaprio can do it, I don't see why two women their junior shouldn't be able to as well.

I'm not sure I'd call 68 "elderly." I think elderly starts in your 80's. 68 is just old.

Do you consider every senior to be elderly? I don't think I do and I'm curious if I'm in the minority. For me, I guess 60-70 would be "senior" and 70+ would be "elderly." Maybe even 75.

Uhh, look at all the surveys that come out showing how much Christians despise people like me, an atheist, and then we can talk about intolerance. Is this like one of those be tolerant of your oppressors because if not you are intolerant and as bad as they? Because Christians definitely are pretty good at

"I agree that you should always use condoms for casual sex" – always or "always if you and/or your partner has a penis"? Those two aren't the same. Try and be less heteronormative, please.

I cannot agree with the statement that they should not be obligated to disclose. How can you put the onus onto someone who doesn't have all the facts disclosed to them? I agree that you should always use condoms for casual sex, but condoms are not perfect and if someone does not wish to take the risk of sleeping with

So you're saying that women can't have an abortion for whatever reason, INCLUDING the fact that they tested positive for Down Syndrome? Wonderful. That's a choice women make and you do not get to judge them. There aren't "good" and "bad" reasons to have an abortion, there are just reasons. I personally wouldn't want

I agree. And now that's she's exercised her right, her responsibility is to raise the child she chose to create.

Agreeing that it's her body, and her choice: how is the child she chose to have someone else's responsibility now? You can't make your decision, and then blame someone else for the only direct outcome of it.

I think, best case scenario, a surrogate would honor the parents' wishes, but as you say, you can't force someone to undergo a medical procedure they don't consent to. And that's exactly why this kind of thing needs to be explicitly negotiated beforehand, so everyone has the chance to opt out if they find their ethics