
Your post made it seem like you don't understand the difference. And where did I defend their decision to dump the baby? Don't read something into my argument that I didn't say. What I understand is the impulse to avoid giving birth to a child with Down Syndrome to begin with. And a two year old certainly is deserving

Do you seriously not see a difference between aborting a fetus and killing an adult with a disability? And I bet there are also many families with children with Down Syndrome who are very unhappy and struggling.

It would probably be astounding how many of these fetus-obsessed people eat animals and benefit from animal research (I say this as an animal researcher). The cognitive dissonance makes no sense to me.

Well, I did write in another post that I am absolutely not advocating forced abortions. I do agree that a living human being is completely different from a fetus, and there is a huge difference to me between aborting a fetus who has tested positive for a disability and abandoning an actual disabled child. But I

Well, people do abort, all the time, for this reason. And I personally don't have a problem with it. If you are pro-choice, then you don't get to stipulate when that abortions are only OK when done for the "right reasons".

Oh. Well, if you actually went and scrolled down through the comments I wrote a very detailed response with sources to this very question.

Well it ain't good, and also you're like the 50th person to say that.

Um I gave an extremely detailed answer to this elsewhere. I have no doubt that it's a true statement.

I do agree, but I understand the instinct to prevent giving birth to a disabled child in the first place.

I answered this elsewhere. A fetus is different from a grown child with experiences and feelings and moral interests.

I sense a philosophy major has finally arrived.

But what if you could prevent it by opting to abort a fetus that is not yet conscious/feeling? You don't think others should be able to make that choice?

Well that's OK, I do have a lot of posts in this thread.

Would you abort a child with Down Syndrome?

Totally, I'm not advocating forced abortions.

Yeah, I mean I'm not arguing that forced abortions fall under the definition of pro-choice. Ideally this shit gets worked out beforehand between parties with informed consent.

Oh, don't forget the awesome way that children with disabilities are treated by the public school system.

Do you not see a difference between a fetus and an actual human being with experiences and interests in the moral sense?

Ugh, really. But I mean, they can get offended by the word and the idea that there is something "bad" about having Down Syndrome, but it is a severe disability and that's the reality of it. It has massive, massive implications for the life of the person afflicted.

Yes, it is not "incompatible with life" as they say but it's still pretty serious. And maybe they would rather lose both children than raise a child with Down Syndrome - maybe they feel that strongly about it? But yeah, I'm sure selective abortion is serious business.