
Agreed, especially if the parents made clear their wishes at the start of the surrogacy.

I agree, but I think my comment applies to surrogates in first world countries, as well.

Very possible, although I will point out that Gammy never had direct contact with the parents, only with the agency. So it's possible the communication was lacking on both ends. If they knew ahead of time that she was against abortion though, then it was a stupid, stupid move to choose her as a surrogate given their

Who knows? Maybe the surrogacy was actually a stretch for them financially, or the clinic didn't offer PGD? If they chose not to do it then, yeah, that's pretty stupid.

Yes it's possible the family's wishes weren't communicated to the surrogate well enough BEFORE the surrogacy began, especially since it seems like she was dealing with the agency only, not the family.

Agreed on all points, however I do wonder if point 3 didn't in fact occur. We don't know what the contract looked like or how well it was explained to the surrogate.

I agree. However, for all we know, that did take place here and the surrogate chose not to abort anyway.

I feel like in general, if you become a surrogate it is best to be prepared to honour the parents' wishes should they want to abort due to a catastrophic birth defect.

It's not.

The "starter husband" is mostly offensive to me, because it obviously came from the extremely offensive phrase "starter wife" (I'm just going to assume not everyone knows what that is and post this:…)

Yeah.. Offensive.

OK true but as a woman of science Oprah makes my head hurt.

Presented without argument, huh?

Oprah is a woo-peddling new-agey crackpot. She also unleashed Dr. Phil on the universe. Screw her.

Well, I don't think we need to put down the young girls to say that we also want to see women of different ages in advertisements for products.

Testosterone affects the heart and has suppressive effects on the immune system. I can't imagine why you'd put your health at risk this way. How is this even legal in the US???

Why were you taking it?

We actually have loons and beavers on our coins, kthx.

Blake Lively just made a group selection fallacy with that "survival of the species" comment.

Was just there!!! It was so awesome.