
I don't know if it's ugly to EVERYONE... At pride week this year I saw an older lesbian with a beard. Like a glorious full patch of hair growing out of her chin. After a minute I recovered from the initial surprise of seeing it and was like, you know what? It doesn't look too bad on her. I certainly didn't find it

Oh god, don't tell me 30 is old. It's not old!!

Fair enough! Although I bet you could get used to it eventually if you had to.



Apparently looking "artsy" in a fashion magazine is more important than standing up for the countless women this man has victimized on his set, which is a shame.


Because women can't be misogynists or do misogynistic things, apparently.

Gloria Allred is actually a pretty impressive human being - rape survivor, women's rights advocate - so why make fun of her?

It's a worthless and irrelevant observation.

Cute. Why not?


Uhh but you seem to think that women are "causing" the sexual harassment by dressing provocatively. Rather than saying that the harassers' sexist dickhead attitudes towards women are causing them to harass.

But does this not apply to old fathers, too? I mean why are we singling out women here is the point. Why is youth the best thing that WOMEN SPECIFICALLY can bring to the marriage?

LOLOLOL oh god please no. It would be hard to tell the difference with some of these guys though if such a thing did exist.

OK but I'm not crazy, right - the shit he is writing makes no sense???

I feel like you just engaged in some serious victim-blaming without even realizing it. THAT, my non-friend, is a beautiful example of rape culture.

So then you just undermined your previous point by admitting that this sort of atmosphere IS due to certain men's negative beliefs about women. Perhaps the organizers of the con do care, but just aren't handling it as effectively as they could. That's besides the point - harassment of women at these kinds of

Who said anything about men vs. women? Of course men who have been harassed deserve the same consideration as women who have been harassed, but I suspect far more women than men DO get harassed, hence the focus of this article.

Probably a pretty accurate translation.