
I don't see how it's not art by definition. I believe there is also a difference between clothing, which is a utility, and fashion.

What's the difference between buying an item of clothing based on who designed it vs. buying an oil painting because of who painted it?

Fashion is art, and art is not frivolous. Having said that, I think this article is kind of preaching to the converted, no? And some women's magazines do publish utter tripe, like Cosmo or even Vogue. Same thing with men's magazines (GQ, Esquire).

OK but what? It looks like a normal swimsuit to me... I don't have any bras that look like that.

Sigh, it is discouraging to see how difficult it is for some to find faculty positions. Thanks though :) I think I'll make use of the PhD somehow...

*shudder* I had to go shower off the thought that that might be a silver lining of this tragedy for some post docs. Academia is fucked.

There's probably some truth to that :(

Sigh that's what they keep telling me (current neuroscience PhD). Ughhhhh

So pharmaceutical research as opposed to academia.

I'm sure the grad students are still back in their labs....

Out of curiosity, what kind of research is profitable nowadays? I was under the impression that funding is a problem for every field atm. Just want to take notes to know which ship to jump to....

Well I see where you're coming from but saying she looks deformed is really kind of ridiculous.

I'm confused, what do most of the 38 year olds you know look like?

So you want her to be like Jessica Simpson who subsequently got shit on CONSTANTLY (like, really a constant stream of shit) for daring to gain a couple pounds? Why should we ask any woman to take one for the team like that?

How can you even be sure she's had plastic surgery on her ass? Furthermore, what's wrong with plastic surgery?

I'm not sure what you mean by deformed. And she usually dresses her body pretty well from what I've seen...

I don't care for the word hefty :(

Whatever she is, she ain't a fat cow, that is for sure.

Good lord!!!! Did his parents not know about his dumbassery with the contacts?!

I guess since I come from a long-lived family (95-100 years +) 35 still seems super young to me. Besides, I generally find that people use "middle-aged" as a euphemism for "starting to get and look kinda old", not literally halfway through their lifespan. That is more what I take issue with.