
Haha OK for the top 0.5% of male earners maybe. The truth is it is rare, and most 50 year old men are kidding themselves if they think young girls like me will want to sleep with them just because they make 100k a year. Pfft.

Exactly. Go on and search for women in the 35-50 range. A ton of hot chicks pop up. They're definitely not in need of my pity.

Honestly. A 37 year old woman does not look over the hill. At all. That's just fucking ignorant. I was always under the impression that 37 was still young and sexy territory. Which it is. 40somethings don't look old to me either.

True. I'm not sure why those guys are foolish enough to believe that 20something women wouldn't rather have a broke but sexy 20something guy.

Women age well, imo. Enough of this, "they're just happy with their bodies because they don't care anymore/have let themselves go". Those women look great, full stop.

Oh come on, I'm 25 and I don't think 35 is middle-aged. Give me a break.

HAH I dunno about super rich....

Hmmm, that sounds risky to inject

What kind of filler did you use?

These are the times where I wish I could get fucking photographs of certain commenters. I'm sure no woman over 30 would look his way regardless. But even if that weren't the case and he were George Clooney, it's still an ignorant fucking thing to say.

HAH you're 44 and you think you're entitled to women under 30? You know, women are human beings, not cartons of milk that expire after 30 years.

LOLOLOL that's hilarious. Because I'm sure you're a 25 year old ripped adonis.

EXCUSE YOU!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!


The criticism just seems kind of out of place here. Especially considering the praise Jezebel heaps uncritically upon various other celebrities. Like, yeah, where did this snark come from if not jealousy? Swift did nothing wrong here by writing this particular article.

Well... She is all of those things, though. No?

I'm not a massive fan of Swift's, but I must say that she is genuinely talented and I have no reason to believe that she isn't smart. She also seems to hold a lot of feminist values, more than just the kind of bullshit hollow empowerment/girl power crap many other pop stars espouse. She's a good songwriter and, after

Yeah, the article seems a little snarky and jealous :(