Has covfefe been cleared for use by the LDS?
Has covfefe been cleared for use by the LDS?
When did he become Strom Thurmond?
Don't have faith in an average American voter; have your faith in the fringe voters that put Trump into office and re-elected Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. (Yeah, we fucked that one up, fellows Ds!). Have faith in the extremes right now, because there is zero party cohesion right now, for either party.
After the shitshow that was the last election, do you think these career politicians are even going to chance voters turning against them because of this? Hell no! Negotiated surrender of both the President and VP or people are going to start having "accidents" and "illnesses."
A small-town business administrator told a newly-elected small-town Township Committeeperson to never fuck with your police chief. It was sound advice. Seems like it's true on the federal level as well. (Thank you, Phil Huhn!)
Could have just stopped at "liar…"
I must say, I'm digging the white hair on Brian May! I was digging Jimmy Page's white hair, too, until I saw he was sporting a huge combover…
American Express and Toys R Us HQ had the same. As long as he's not denying a lactating mother use of the room at that moment, why not?
They are incredibly awesome laundry bags!
During that brief, miserable three months of my life when I was a Walmart manager, we were told not to deny any animals entry to the store because too many people were suing for disability discrimination.
This guy grew up an Irish Catholic Democrat —WTF happened to him to become a fundie neocon? :: shakes head ::
I thought that qualified him as a proctologist?
Loved working in NYC, but had no desire to live there. I'm too attached to my car.
White bread, white American cheese olive oil, lettuce and onion here!
We're leaving the porch light on for you…
I love you, Officer. I'm bequeathing you property in my will.
This guy was in a leather apron and gloves up to his shoulders and she went right for his face. She was half-Siamese, bless her departed feline soul.
More like the Flyover vs. Everyone Else.
I had a cat who loved carriers — except for getting out of them at the vet's office. She actually went on the attack after a vet tech forcibly removed her at the office once; good thing he had suited up before taking her out. (We switched vets after that.)
You mean those popcorn boxes moving around on the subway tracks *aren't* autonomous?