
Steve Bannon is now the modern living equivalency of the Confederacy: white, racist, reviled and removed from power.

It's just sickening. There is not one drop of human feeling in the folks that post these things, not one.

Google apparently told them they won't host them either. Unfortunately, someone somewhere in the world will take their money and host their domain.

Apologies! I get what you're saying now.

Agree completely!

Honestly, from experience, debates don't win you new fans or undecided voters. You perform for your base. They're a waste of time (though I enjoy them immensely)!

My late father's family is from Vermont, so yes, I do know, but I'm happy to respectfully disagree. 😁

Was she standing up to Obama or filling in a loophole that he couldn't at the federal level and setting some legal groundwork for others to follow her lead? The point I'm making is that Harris and Obama were ultimately working toward the same goal with the tools each had at their disposal.

I live in Monmouth County, NJ. I worked at the WFC in lower Manhattan for 15 years.

You said four important words: biracial, mom, CA, MA. Bernie is none of them. He's an old rich educated guy from a state where there's very little middle class and zer diversity. Massachusetts is like another planet from Vermont.

"Moderate" is one of those phrases defined by the person using it. From someone who was in office, compromise is sometimes necessary, as are both absolutism and defeat. It's being able to use each of those scenarios appropriately to achieve the long-term goal that's important.

And it's mainly aimed at the "female" part of Kamala Harris. Democratic leaders on the local, state and national level can tolerate black men in office, but they still have problems with elected Democrats who menstruate. (This comes from personal experience.)

Oh please, the Berniecrats. There's like five black folks in the state of Vermont and they all live in Burlington. Bernie knows squat about diversity.

Charlie Pierce at called him a "vulgar talking yam" and pretty much nailed it.

Bon Jovi.

Calling the death of music radio during this time period the "Clear Channel effect" is absolutely spot on!

"Last To Know" wasn't bad.

Are they the Stryper of Christian pop-punk?

I went to a bunch of radio-station outdoor festivals in amphitheatres during the summer of 1997 following an artist no one else here would enjoy, but I had the (dis)pleasure of unknowingly seeing a bunch of these folks in concert. It was extremely difficult to tell them apart. Fergie was still in Wild Orchid then;

God I love a random Winger reference!