
It's filed under "For Your Consideration," which means you had to decide whether to read it. You did. No one forced you to click the link. You saw the title. There's plenty of other articles on this site to read; if you dont like politics, go read something else.

Wash those hands, please, before you touch me…

Agreed. I read a lot of news sites, but not their comments sections. The people I want to discuss this stuff with are HERE.

I would pay for that. Seriously. I can throw $10 at the AV Club every month.

Optimism and greed. I think the NJ state GDP was somewhere around -3% GDP last quarter.

This is how Trump has run all his businesses — on lies, imaginary money and willful, insolent ignorance.

Read the goddamn updated article from today.

That's not a horrible thought; that's actually how political strategists think. It could totally backfire on him if he tried to use it, though, if an investigation shows this was a lone wolf or sympathizer with no direct connection.

I'm teasing you, dude. Disqus went a little nutty last night. It's all good. :-)

When you think about it, the majority of attendees would be women and children, who are targets of opportunity, and it was a shrapnel bomb, which doesnt take a lot of technical skill to build.

IS also takes credit for the sun rising every day. Let's see what the investigation turns up; apparently, as of 9:30am EDT on 5/23, they have one local in custody.

I'm a former mayor/police commissioner. Any type of reported explosion or active shooter scenario is automatically investigated as a potential terror attack, simply because it's a hell of a lot easier to pull all your resources together to gather evidence, interview witnesses, track down leads, etc., in the immediate

No, that's *you* making you look crazy, lol!

What a shame the local governments didn't go after Uber for price-gouging during a fucking state of emergency. I would have; after being mayor and seeing how they really operate, I freaking hate Uber.

(Which is standard operating procedure, BTW.)

Don't let the door hit you in the ass…

Damn. So sorry for his loss. Best wishes to him and his family; there'll be other movies.

Son, I can deliver a verbal ass-whooping that would make you crawl home crying, and I would not hesitate to publicly eviscerate you if you were being an insensitive jackass about something so serious in public.

How do you know this is the work of an Islamic terrorist and not just a homegrown terrorist like Tim McVeigh? No one knows yet.

We also can't stop doing the things the victims loved and would still be doing either; we still have a moral responsibility to the dead.