
As a 9/11 survivor, the only way to really understand it is that a very selfish person made a conscious choice to hurt and kill innocent people because he/she was upset or angry about something. The people at the concert, particularly those who were killed or hurt, didn't do anything to deserve this or do anything

This is a terrible, terrible tragedy, and my heart and sympathies go out to the families and friends of the injured and deceased. Those who were present but escaped unharmed just had their lives changed forever. Whoever executed this hideous attack is the epitome of evil.


I did check/fix — thank you very much!

Alternate facts are alternate facts, whether they have a press pass or not. Infowars can attend a press briefing now? Yippee — it still doesn't make their spin on the news true.

People write fiction all the time. Alex Jones is one of those people.

Take a look at the depiction of dogs in Egyptian hieroglyphics; you'll see why they used that dog.

I'm a big fan of the Ibis/Jaquel storyline in the book, but I thought this reworking of their backstory was very well done.

Edit: Spelled "Jaquel" correctly even though my auto-correct wants to name him Jacqueline!

Okay, Doug Evans.

There was some jackass wearing a t-shirt that had Trump with the Superman logo on his chest at Great Adventure. The guy had no teeth.

I'm up for eight years of Diamond Joe Biden.

Yeah, he's more Howard The Duck than Donald Duck.

NBC, this is where you step up and declare that Trump's deal for The Apprentice precludes him from appearing on a competitor's property.

Slash on Paradise City and Sweet Child O' Mine, as well.

Slash, Richie Sambora, Steve Vai…

You choose to be baptized Amish; women in Saudi Arabia are trapped.

Oh, shit, for real?

You're going to want to take NJ out of play, too.

You act like the CIA didn't know about the Russian connection before the election. Of course they did; it wasn't a secret. What if they actually have more info that they're not sharing because it's not in their wheelhouse? Would that piss you off?

Heather Locklear's a Republican who, at one time, was fairly active politically.