I’m going to add to the pile and ask why Gawker is distributing images of a someone being raped. That's fucked up.
I’m going to add to the pile and ask why Gawker is distributing images of a someone being raped. That's fucked up.
They wouldn’t condone a lot of things that are in the book they consider God’s word, but they still profess to believe them. That was my point.
Since I'm really sick of the #notallchristians bullshit, let's all post the most horrifying parts of the Bible we remember from childhood. I already mentioned a concubine being raped and chopped into little pieces, so I'll go with the one where David's son rapes his daughter and everyone gets really pissed that he…
Have you read the Bible? It pretty much backs this guy up unless you do mental gymnastics trying to contextualize it because it’s hundreds of years old (yes hundreds—it was recorded much after the alleged events). That’s why I’m no longer a Christian. “Oh, the Bible is the absolute word of God, but ignore this part…