Bango Skank Was Here

Yes, triggerx is correct and no amount of "no"s changes that. Don't worry triggerx, I got your back. People with stars think they know it all, but we know better... don't we?!

I don't get all the hate towards AT&T? I had Verizon for years before AT&T and I could not tell the difference between the two. The only time I ever have ANY sort of signal issue is when I hold my iPhone wrong (I refuse to use a case and treat a phone like something holy - it's just a phone). Perhaps central Florida

How is this different than ANY other company? Cars, Computers, TVs, Video Games (perfect example is Call of Duty - it's been on the same game engine since the original Modern Warfare. So you keep buying $70 expansions on new discs. It's currently on it's 5th leg, with nearly no improvements, only tweaks). Stop hating

Long story short, it will eventually be on Cydia. If not, who cares. It's not really that useful, unless you are handicapable, then I could totally see you needing this feature.

I don't think anyone thinks they should "give it away." They do have an App Store and Siri is only an App glorified with PR to be something uber-amazing and ground breaking. It was LITERALLY in the App store before it was purchased by Apple.

Ummmm, did someone just watch Hook and decide that being an adult is overrated and wanted to become a Lost Boy? Bangarang Rufio!

Wow, that was possibly the BEST comment I've ever read on Gizmodo. This guy already has a star, now someone give him a cookie!

It wasn't just me? Thank the good spirits!

DONT GET ME STARTED ON 3D (or my overuse of caps lock). I cant wait for the trend to die off

I submit to film festivals a few times a year and there is always some team that thinks shooting all the footage via their smart phone makes the final product better... it NEVER (ever) does. But I must admit, when I first got my iPhone 4, I planned to make/submit a short film shot/edited entirely on the iphone - but

Sorry Bro'seph, feel free to point out my flaws/errors in the future ;)

Lucky bastard. Enjoy your funemployment!


HAHA, I know - I stole it off the Conan video Giz posted a few days ago. My mom hadn't heard of Siri, so instead of explaining (probably incorrectly), I just sent her that Conan video clip. "Who's the son of the year? This guy right here!"

Someone give this guy another star, right MEOW!

Jailbreaking saves the day, yet again.

I also felt the same "please" about the comments. Sincerely, Grammar Nazi

I'm a typophile, but you are giving us a bad name (like those people who swear by vinyl records are to audiophiles), but you are bitching about the wrong kerning. What drives me nuts is the alignment of the numbers in those icon badges. Get your priorities straight... and stop writing ranting articles on personal

One of the many reasons to jailbreak... you can even make the analog clock icon keep real time - Good times!

On that note, does anyone living in central Florida (Orlando/Tampa) want to buy my Mac Pro (latest model an under appleCare till 2014)? Hit me up for details, cheers.