Bango Skank Was Here

It's Apple, it's not like they design their web content outside the box. It's clean images, faux-highlights, over abundance of white space on white backgrounds. Probably took him 15 minutes. For gods sake, he didn't even have to pick an original font! ;)

I'd welcome blackbuds! Nothing is grosser than white cables after a few months of use. Yes, the black ones will end up being just as gross, but at least it will be camouflaged! ;)

Just out of curiosity and as a fellow jailbreaker, what was left off of iOS 6 that makes you still want to jailbreak? All I can think of is sbsettings, free tethering and if you are a douche bag installous. I promise I'm not trolling are being ignorant, but the ONLY reason I still jailbreak is for downloading files

Yea, I'm an Apple user (mainly for Final Cut Pro), but products like this make me want to abandon ship and go back to Windoze... Time will tell.

I'm with you. I'm so tired of paying for overpriced machines to stay in the Apple world. The main thing that has been holding me back is Final Cut, but I think something like this may be enough to make me make the switch. I can always keep a cheap Apple laptop around incase a client requires a Mac program to be used.

Thanks for the useful and insightful comment about... electronic dildos and such...

I realize art is subjective, but these are retarded. That is all.

This guy makes my penis soft.

What other OS can they use, Linux? Who would buy that? The manufactures will just have to take it.

That doesn't even sound like a chicken :)

Ha, never saw that one before - nice!

I don't know why, but when you typed Ministry of Defense I read it as Ministry of Magic... I was all excited and happy and was going to heart you, but then I re-read it and realized that I'm just a lonely git of a muggle... so so sad, in so many ways! :(

Dude, that site is slick! Rock on

Yea, the file size is still a little daunting. It usually doubles/triples the file size (at least this is my experience with Canon DSLR H264 footage from 7D/Mark II), but compared to Uncompressed, it should cut the file size down by half. Glad I could help!

Ha, like the iPad 3 is called, "The New iPad." I'm guessing the iPad 4 will be, "The Newer iPad," and the 5 will be, "The Newest iPad," and the 6 will be, "The Newerish iPad," and on and on... Sorry, I just had this same discussion with my roommate and thought it was appropriate.

Yes, if you use a MacBook Pro to FaceBook and write your personal opinions as facts on Gizmodo, you will never need more than 8GB of RAM - correct.

*Internet High-Five*

I agree, lets bitch about it on the internet, that'll teach'em! :/

Cooler than a polar bears toe nail!

Just buy a USB 3.0 external RAID and RAID 5 it. It will fly, don't fall for thinking you need a Thunderbolt RAID connection. Do you really think you will need more than 5/GB a second? I edit ProRes 422 1080 footage on a RAID 5 with Firewire 800 connection and rarely get lag.