Bango Skank Was Here

Thats whats up

I know, I know. My bad

I'm pretty sure I tried this in one of my firmware update, tech support phone call walkthroughs. BUT, I plan to make sure this is a correct statement before refusing the theory. I will report back, thanks!

$50k/year may be a large amount, it's all relative to where you live. In a big city (NYC/Chicago/Boston), no that would not be enough to live very comfortable in those cities. But a smaller city with a lower cost of living, $50k/year is more than enough to live an extremely comfortable life.

You are correct. It was very American of me and I apologize. I already retracted my original post and if I knew how to delete/edit posts, I would do so. *hangs head in shame*

Correct, I'm just trolling. Everything I've said makes no sense and you seem to have the world figured out. I apologize and will retire from making rash statements on the internet about people who live on the other side of the world. It was the American in me, responding unchecked - wont happen again. Cheers!

Your are correct - I should learn to keep my opinions to myself. I just get myself worked up and trolling is one of the few options i have that wont get me fired/arrested/killed. If someone really wants to waste 3-4 months of their salary for a gadget, then good for them and their choices in life... even if they are

Are you new here? Must be, because that was the kindest response to someone admitting their wrongness I have ever read online... ever. Now I feel like an even bigger idiot. Well played sir, hows that high road treating you? ;)

Apparently, I'm the dumb one... and I also can't figure out how to delete/edit my post. I could have sworn that he received a refurbished iPad 2... but if it's simply a first-gen iPad, then please accept my humble apology (you and Lunarpancake).

My model isn't listed! I have the crappiest Sony Bravia, it has this auto dim feature. It has nothing to do with ambient light, but the levels of the image being displayed on screen. The "feature" is supposed to make brighter colors more vivid in dark scenes (picture, every video game campaign... ever), by dimming the

Again, perhaps when you make ¢50/hour... you shouldn't be in the market for a tablet. My original statement still stands - the cheese stands alone.


You are also dumb, like a number of the posters before you. His first gen iPad could possibly sell for what... $200? and for another $100 investment, he could get a $600 machine. Use your brain before posting!

Dude, you're an idiot. An iPad = two months salary? Seriously?! That means if you work a full time job, you make just over ¢50 an hour. If this is true, you have bigger problems than the lack of an iPad that holds its charge. Ugh, the internet - the only place I want to continually punch people in the face!

I bet two things... He's got an android phone and is asian. ;)

Stop crying, I was just busting balls (and the few ovaries that visit this site). I have an iPhone 4 and the lack of Flash support only ever seems to be an issue when one of my Android toting friends happens to be in ear shot and they always jump at the opportunity to have a penis measuring contest (luckily most of my

At least it finally has Flash... wait, what? OK, so it doesn't have Flash, but at least it has Silverlight support... wait, what?

Just because the author is an artistic'tard, he wants everyone to hate good design. What he left out, was the fact about how pissed he is that the Gizmodo blog template wont allow him to post his articles (rants) in Comic Sans, Hobo Std or Papyrus.

HAHA, God Bless America!