If everyone calls you a jerk it’s likely that you are a jerk. Be pleased that the diagnosis was free and you have achieved self-knowledge.
If everyone calls you a jerk it’s likely that you are a jerk. Be pleased that the diagnosis was free and you have achieved self-knowledge.
Self driving cars that are totally free of a human behind a wheel and which share the roads with human driven vehicles are more than 10 years away. The real time image and environment acquisition and analysis and the artificial intelligence required to make the necessary judgement calls within acceptable error limits…
When Gawker shut down. Lepage is still trying to find Hamilton Nolan and Jordan Sargent.
Obviously we need trigger warnings on public toilet doors. We also need public safe spaces where we can go to peepee and poopoo without being confronted with the sight of others peepeeing and poopooing.
This would have been better if written by A Dog.
“I’m a man”
rear naked choke hold
When he came to his pants were on backwards and he had some discomfort sitting down for a while. That answers the why. The DNA sample might answer the who.
Gizmodo readers smell bad. Gawkerites really don’t want to be here. We are looking for our friends for they have been scattered by the winds.
Simplistic, lame, and wrong. Say no more, you are clueless.
The only areas that have fiber are concentrations of population. Nobody is pushing fiber to rural and sparsely settled areas. There you get DSL if you’re lucky, and satellite if you’re not. It’s not the size of the US that is the problem, it’s the hodge-podge of competing plans and providers and the maximizing of…
Or maybe as “Princess Ashley Jew.” Haha. So the that would be like PAJ with the initials and make her a reverse Jewish American Princess. Geddit? That’s funny. I bet Borowitz would like this joke. I better email it to him.
You can help by making sure your heart goes out to them, and send them your thoughts and prayers (next day express mail preferably).
Changing policy is high risk because it raises the dreaded flip-flop, than which there are few greater sins. This is why all the spokespeople are saying listen to what he’s saying now, don’t bring up what he said before, but he absolutely hasn’t changed his position, no way.
Conway is smarter and smoother than Pierson but she essentially pulls the same shit. She stays on the talking points, tries to redirect the conversation away from the original question, and throws in a “What about Hillary?” at every opportunity. It’s just the difference between a pro and an amateur. Conway is evil,…
I’m OK with this. Short hand simplification is fine. There have been and are too many lengthy discussions replete with buzzwords on this topic.
Show us on the doll where the bad seal touched you.
The correct way to regard people with potentially life threatening conditions or severe illnesses is as an “opportunity” to make tons of money.
uplift their family and community
I don’t follow the aviation industry and don’t know a hell of a lot about it so I can’t argue with the quoted expert analysts. Also Trump is stupid and full of shit. I do note that Boeing moved a lot of its manufacturing from Washington to a new facility in South Carolina to avoid paying the salaries, pensions, and…