
Agreed. Applying animal instinct to human behavior leads to bullshit like all men naturally should cheat because competition, rape is normal because breeding imperative, and ladies should be pretty to get male attention because natural selection. Free will, motherfuckers. We evolved for a reason. Well, several, really.

Creepiest photo

I used to work for the tabloids, so it’s not a question of if I have a story, but which one I tell the Jezzies.
There was the time Dave Navaro refused to be interviewed unless I gave him a blow-job. He had just married Carmen Electra.
There was the time on a red carpet that a very drunk Gary Busey asked me how, a

Yes. WHY is Hugh Grant banned? MUST KNOW!!!

I like you and I bet you are awesome to hang out with.

I went to see a screening of the second Boondock Saints film (for all its deep and obvious flaws, I have an abiding fondness for the original, entirely because of the gorgeous men and all the homoeroticism) that included a panel discussion with Troy Duffy and a few of the actors afterward. The move was so awful I

I wanted to BE Fairuza Balk’s character SO BAD.

The Craft is my LIFE!!!

Same here. Everything about this pisses me off. If ANYONE from the middle or lower classes did this they’d have been thrown in prison years ago. No ifs, ands, or buts.

exactly. if any of my clients leave the program they go straight to jail. seriously. that’s the line.
she, however, can get a dozen DUIs and get caught with drugs and stealing and missing court appearances - and it seems we just wave it off.
but what’s more upsetting is that she clearly has some underlying mental health

I JUST posted this same sentiment. Stuff like this makes me want to slap the people who say there isn’t two Justice systems in this country. One for the rich, one for the rest of us.


Get it together, Linds

She could totally have an everyday vagina and a special occasion vagina. That’s what I’d do.

I always thought Bob Odenkirk looked like he was in pretty good shape? I suppose I am biased though as “schlubby” is definitely my type.

Calvary Cemetery in Queens. Yes, I’m weird, but a book, blanket, and wine, combined with amazing views of the city, make it the perfect spot to soak up the sun for a while. (I’m not entirely sure the wine is legal - so I bring it in a travel mug or just keep the bottle under wraps.

Not projecting. He then does this blinking thing, followed by an expression which I can only read as, “OK, be professional, we’re on live, this stupid fuc*ing twat, I can’t believe she said something so completely fuc*ing stupid, yes I can.”

You’re not the only one, on the link someone posted:

I saw it.