
Other good movies to nap to (according to my Dad, who passed out during all of these in the multiplex):

Why HASN’T there been a more substantial challenge to her from the left wing of the caucus? As someone who has no problem seeing her stick around but would also like some younger, more progressive Reps in leadership roles, it seems crazy that none of them even wanted to take a swing. Is what she said about giving CPC

I get the feeling most people’s gripes with her is that she still wants to “play nice” with the GOP, and actually says and believes shit like:

C’mon now.   You know how much Republicans love facts and putting country over party.   I’m sure they will be reasonable and fair minded when the facts come out.  lol  

YES! I for one can’t wait for the 2 years we’ll control the House to be given up to Status Quo, only to be handed back to the GOP after the Dems don’t show up to vote because no one has been inspired or galvanized by the actions of the wishy-washy DNC.

So awesome how all the money in our political system makes it so the old guard never has to change things.    I’m sure all those voters that turned out in 2018 will be excited to know they voted for the same old leaders because they can raise the most money.   Really connects the poor and the middle class to the

I know right? But we’re left with a choice between her or someone worse. It’s almost as if the failure to cultivate and promote new Democratic leadership in the past decade wasn’t an accident. 

Dear lord, that stupid quote alone is sufficient grounds for her ouster.

This take was merely stupid when it was first posted.

When it comes to the prequels, I will always remember that when the Phantom Menace came out, I was prepared to kill someone to get in. 30 mins after it started, I was prepared to kill everyone in the theater to get out.

The truly amazing stat here is that Kellen Clemens spent 12 years in the NFL. Holy hell.

As a giant Harry Potter fan, all I can say about this review is: Tough, but fair.

Ah, the movie theater nap. One of the best naps IMO

Other good naps:
- “Long ride on a half-empty bus” nap
- “2nd Quarter of mid-afternoon NFL game” nap
- “Got off early from work and napped until exactly when I would have gotten home” nap

Only fallen asleep in the theater once myself, during Attack of the Clones. It opened on the last day of my college semester, so I was pretty out of it, and thought maybe I had just been more exhausted than I thought.

Yeah, Kaep was TERRIBLE his last few years in Frisco. It COMPLETELY explains why he doesn’t deserve a second chance.

Are you just posting this so you can screengrab to impress your “stoolie” bros? 

He ended up replacing Gabbart dummy, hence why he ended the season as their starter.

Kaep finished 2016 with a rating of 90.7, which put him ahead of such current starters as Phillip Rivers, Eli Manning, Joe Flacco, Carson Wentz and Cam Newton, and only .5 behind Alex Smith. That’s not sucking.

I don’t get it, is he washed up or was he never good? This take needs some work as he can’t be both.

Oh man. From “Kaepernick was never any good” to kamel “your mom” jokes. Who let this clown into this site? Take your garbage over to Yahoo where it is appreciated, we only like rational debate and witty jokes here. You possess none of the qualities to contribute either.