
But had they been African-American student members of the Football Team taking a knee during national anthem, they would all have been suspended to reconsider their anti-patriotic “free speech” actions... Pasty white students expressing their “free speech” embrace of Nazism is just a cute joke...

I feel horrible for Jordan Blue, who was one of the few students in the photo NOT sieg heiling, and went public with his opposition to it. He’s also indicated that he’s been bullied by several of the students that are saluting in the photo.


It’s not just hate speech, its an overt threat. They are mimicking the salute of a failed empire that attempted to wipe a people from the face of the earth. Supporting nazism is innately supporting genocide.

And if girls were doing the same thing while wearing skimpy clothes, the issue would have been about what they were wearing rather than what they did.

poor dumb kids just needed a cover photo for their resumes when applying for a Trump WH intern position.

Spare a thought for my husband, who last night had the first of what will probably be many 14-hr workdays through the holidays because of Black Friday, Cyber Monday, et al.

Really? Affecting the sign of a fascist regime cannot be parsed for intent?

As previously stated, we cannot know the intentions in the hearts of those who were involved,”

Oh sure. And who can say what the intention of their parents was when they burned a cross on the black family’s lawn and threw a brick through a synagogue window? Maybe they just dig fire? Maybe they’re just into throwing stuff? Who can say really? Do you know what’s in their hearts, Jack?

Freedom of speech doesn’t mean freedom from consequences. I’ve not hired people because their social media was covered with posts about drugs or other questionable stuff. My kids have had friends not get admitted to schools because of social media. Unless your willing to have something be splashed on the front page of

Free speech restrictions are always something a free society must take seriously and only when absolutely necessary. All civilized countries have decided that in the case of hate speech it is appropriate to restrict because inaction is the same as condoning. The holocaust isn’t so fucking long ago people should be

Moreover, because of students’ First Amendment rights, the district is not in a position to punish the students for their actions

Thankfully, the first amendment doesn’t shield them from the consequences of their actions. A simple Google search of any of their names from this point forward might just lose them jobs, friends, relationships, and anything else they may care about. Good, fuck ‘em.

God forbid they can’t force someone else to continue to uphold traditions based on erasure of culture. They’ll make sure the fowl is extra-bland in protest.

White people will trip over themselves to show how offended they are, further proving why white people are, well, white people.

It’s shit is what it is. Captain Marvel is a kid. This is a kid’s game (video game ratings are meaningless).

To be fair, that’s a legit evil, fascist-god Superman from a parallel universe.