
Woooo biology is the great equalizer.

As someone who has had a kidney stone before I sympathize with her and wish her well. I wouldn’t wish that on any decent person. I know, I know, it’s supposed to be “worst enemy” but I don’t have enemies and times have changed.

The first ones gonna hurt the most but after it passes into the bladder things get a lot easier. I have a 20-year history with stones and wouldn’t wish them on anyone but my enemies. Also, I’ve had so many of them my gut response to the headline was “So?”

I had two kidney stones and the first one I was curled up in the fetal position until I got painkillers and I spent the next 48-72 hours at home, and the second one I about had a panic attack when I realized it was another stone and not just gas or a cramp. I hate those things so much. I didn’t even wanna go to work

They could have at least waited to see what the campaign came up with. I think maybe they were getting more the message “Apu is bad” instead of “There are a lot of stereotypes in Apu and he could be written better if you had a more diverse writer’s room”. 

Extremely 90s guy: “Women complain about the pain of Childbirth. Psh... Try passing a kidney stone sometime.”

Finally I have something in common with an elite athlete.

Probably for the best. Given the way Al Jean and the entire Simpsons leadership have very firmly put themselves in the “uhhh why are these people being so angry over just a joke/ PC liberals need to grow up/ this is censorship of our Freedom of Speech” camp of society the only way I can imagine they’d have redone it

Honestly, The Simpsons should have ended at least a decade ago, if not more. Of course a show which has cartoon characters conceived 25-30 years ago is going to be problematic. We can appreciate older creative works within the context of their time, like with children’s books, or old TV shows long since ended... but

in large segments of the south “great-grandma was a cherokee princess” was a far more acceptable way to explain why your family tanned so quick than “maybe great-grandpa wasn’t the only one fraternizing with the help.”

but this guy’s from new york, so fuck if I know

guy’s an Italian from New York. the Seminole Tribe confirmed they’ve got no records of anyone with any of his aliases ever being a member.
but he did business with Hard Rock Casino once, and that’s owned by the Seminoles, so, you know, that makes him like 1/365th Seminole. that’s science

That sucks, if true. Apu is up there with Ned Flanders and Seymour Skinner in terms of “Simpsons characters who aren’t Simpsons” in terms of screen-time.

This is lazy of them and makes them looks like a whiny child.  They don’t want to face the criticism so they take their toys home instead.

And now Trump and his fellows want to define your gender away. To them, there’s no such thing as intersex. It’s male. Or female. Or they’ll do a DNA test to figure it out. Don’t just tell me you’re a woman and expect me to believe it. And don’t you dare use the wrong restroom!

Thank you for all your hard work, and for sharing your story with us. Our society benefits greatly from the courage of those who are willing to speak for those who are ignored, misunderstood, belittled, persecuted or disenfranchised. I wish you every success as you continue on your path forward against adversity.

Thank you very much for sharing your story, Ms. Ngwaru. I’ve not heard very many stories from intersex people. This was very eye-opening and educational, and I appreciate your bravery and generosity in telling your story and advocating for intersex people.

Thank you, thank you so much for coming to our country and helping us to improve it. Immigrants and asylum-seekers are the foundation of this country, even if many of the folks who were born here have forgotten that they share that past. People like you improve our country and our lives immeasurably.

Hells yeah!

I am sorry you have had a difficult time here in the states. Everyone believes the US is where dreams can come true, but that’s not the case for most people. This is a hard country to live in.

Thank you for all your work.