
To be fair, we shouldn’t be saying it about this situation just now. There’s a lot of crow in the world, and I’d prefer not to eat any. HOWEVER... if whoever did this turns out to be the most far right whackjob to have every whackjobbed, rest assured Our Idiot President™ won’t be able to saw that phrase. Sad!

There are literal Nazi’s running for office in Illinois!

Why won't Trump say radical right-wing extremism? 🙄

Another f’king resistance member/GD centrist invoking the names of Waters and Clinton in the argument to be civil.

Yeah she was like “you might have to lose a few but you want to win the right way” - um, no, this is literally an emergency. You have to stop the bleeding and perform CPR and then you can talk about longterm treatments and nutrition.

Ms Brzezinski,

yes, please do nothing while your rights are stripped away, your healthcare is tanked, immigrants are treated like criminals and their kids are sold off, the free press is squashed, the criminals in the whitehouse steal taxpayer dollars and the GOP smile stupidly while awaiting payoffs.  Please do nothing... dont even

It’s an XK Red 27 technique. 

Sure, the MAGABomber targeted a who’s who of Trump’s enemies list with explosives, but someone was mean to Mitch McConnell in a restaurant once so #BOTHSIDES!

One of these days Trump is going to wake up with horse’s head in his bed.

“Well none of the bombs actually exploded, it’s just a ploy”

Biden & Di Niro? Whoah... Someone’s made a tactical error - because I guarantee you BOTH those guys “Know People.”

The deNiro thing means the bomber is really fucking old.

He had multiple recordings of him insulting Trump, calling him out for the asshole he is.

The Derpabomber thought 6 stamps would be enough postage to mail a pipe bomb?

Australia has a lot of problems but they do elections right. Compulsory voting, all paper ballots run by a central electoral commission that isn’t at the whim of party politics. Voting takes place on Saturdays and there are polling places everywhere, plus they do food at these places, a lot of churches and schools will

I guess one good thing about Oklahoma being behind the times is we still use the paper ballot that you fill in a square and then stick it a reader quaint.

Georgia had punch cards too.  Florida is the reason we switched to the shitty Windows CE system we have now.

Those old arrow ones are the single best voting method I’ve ever seen. Easy to understand. No issues with elders who don’t know about the circles because they are older than the SAT. Paper trail. Fast.

We had the punch cards in Montgomery County in the 90s. It’s the only time I’ve ever been completely unsure if my vote

Back in the 90s, elections were generally simple (at least in my state, MD). You got a piece of paper, you drew a line to connect the front and back of an arrow, and that was your vote. You then took this to the reader machine that sucked it in, and you got a sticker. You got a paper trail and all was good.