
It’s hypnotic in its simplicity.  Chock-full of info.

Should have provided my source - thanks!

Carpool to get others to the polling place!

Why wouldn’t they follow through with it? Lyft is offering discounted or free rides in a lot of places. I think there’d be backlash if it was disingenuous.

I know, Bubba will bitch about lazy Mexicans right before scarfing down the eggs over easy that Juan has been cooking perfectly for him since 2014. 

Yet, I bet if you looked in the kitchens of the breakfast spots, the diners, and the greasy spoons, where all these assholes congregate to talk shit about Latins and whatever else they’re scared of, you’ll find a whole crew of Latin workers.

Just wait till Chucky hits the casinos...

I want them to give him a Bobby Bonilla style buyout so I can tell my grandkids about it when they’re still making payments in 50 years.

Trading arguably the best defensive player in football and a 2 time pro-bowl WR for 3 future first round picks with the hopes of landing basically the same types of players with said picks....yep, sounds like the Raiders we know and love.

I’m starting to feel support for Gruden. Giving him that deal was such a bad decision that that fat fuck Davis deserves to be punished for it by having Gruden be so deliberately incompetent that he is forced to fire and pay out Gruden years before the deal expires. From now on I’m going to cheer on every dumb shit move

A for effort.

So much respect for Gruden trying to get fired and get that whole $100m in one year.

Who loses this much before they get to Vegas?

What do you get when your roster depletes?

Gruden has nine years, twelve weeks, one day, one hour, and six minutes remaining on his contract, and is still owed $92,033,032.

So he’s back to consuming poison that clouds his mind and damages him inside again?  I’m sorry, I have an uncle who I used to be super close with and he remarried a few years ago, ever since Obama was elected his cunt wife has turned him into an unbearable racist, now Trump-supporting dickbag who won’t even

If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it’s actually a Communist Atheist Feminist LBGTQ Muslim goose with a black hood on and a black lives matter sticker on it.

Who the hell let Alex Jones out of the grays? Investigate? 

I’ve already seen comments claiming that this must be a plot by the Democrats to drum up fear of the GOP, and that they mailed them to themselves.