
It’s been a while since we’ve had such a classical political gaffe, so it’s got that going for it.

All those accomplishments are just listicle material. Voters are selfish. ‘What have you done for me lately?’ sort.

So, here’s the deal: Kemp is not legally obligated to resign his position of Secretary of State to run for governor, according to Georgia state law. But for the sake of public perception and common sense he *should* recuse himself from overseeing his own election because DUH IT STINKS TO HIGH HEAVEN. But oh my GOD,

The problem with that is who wants to sign that into law when they are in a position to sign it into law?

“I just finished counting all the votes and I won! Yup, take my word for it.”

I’m surprised “garden-variety voter suppression” isn’t in all our autocorrect dictionaries by now. We’re not SUPPOSED to get used to a crime, and start treating it as just the oxygen we breathe.... ugh!

And here’s the kicker: His term as SecState ends in January and he’s term limited. So resigning the post when he won the primary run-off in August wouldn’t have even effected the state or him that much UNLESS he planned on using the post to fuck with the election.

That’s because the bipartisan conflict of the US political system will never allow either party to reach an agreement with the opposition to modernize the constitution, which is also seen as a holy scripture of sorts.

There seems to be a lot of “unwritten rules” of decorum etc that folks assumed no one would ever be so baldly and transparently corrupt to violate that are just being shrugged at now.

That wacky ol’ Kemp, always saying the quiet part loud!

Yeah, no. If anyone is demanding purity, it’s you folks so enamored with centrist dems and losing. 

Me too.... did nobody ever conceive of the notion of a secretary of state running for governor?

Eight fucking years in office and delivered on one fucking campaign promise and that was just rebranding Romneycare. And he’s out here again with the same tepid incremental horseshit that cleared the decks for Hillary to step up and whiff in ‘16. But god forbid he ever face even the mildest fucking criticism or 200

In his defense, it probably just slipped out, given all the work he’s been doing to try to stop people from being able to vote. It’s just what’s on his mind.

Reminds me of this:

Did some research on this, checks out. 

this. At first I thought, “well, every candidate should be saying that their opponent is going to get a big turnout so we also have to show up big” but his wording framed it as “we can’t seem to stop them” which... like, how the fuck is it legal to oversee the election you are participating in?

The most telling part of it to me is the phrasing: If everybody uses and exercises their right to vote. It seems somehow worse that he’s framing it in the context of people’s rights. There are ways to express concern over your opponent’s get out the vote campaign without explicitly talking about voting rights—without

So the guy in charge of running elections said out loud that it’s a problem “if everybody uses and exercises their right to vote” and we’re supposed to trust any result that doesn’t end in his defeat?

He’d have made a great military leader.