
I just got my Soros vote vouchers in the mail yesterday along with a gold bar. I’ll throw some votes in with ya!

Harriet Tubman and Rosa Parks hi-fiving would also be acceptable.

Isn’t some of the reason we didn’t do that is that the North wasn’t exactly the epitome of racial harmony.  We were just less racist than the South.

Every statue of a Confederate should be replaced by a statue of Sherman.  

Don’t give Georgia too much credit: they just flag the Confederate flag along with the US flag, now.

Hell I’d just take one where Reconstruction wasn’t summarily ended and its legitimate progress washed away by a massive white backlash. 

The NYT being confused as to why a black woman would want to burn the Confederate flag is probably the best example of how Trump got elected.

And in mentioning the KKK, all you do is trigger the hordes of drooling rightwingers who remind you that the conservatives used to be in the Democratic party and therefore the modern Democrats are basically still the KKK!!!1@>@

She should own it and burn another one, just to piss off the white supremacist fuckers.

Every day I think, I could not admire this woman more.

Why are we even bothering by stating that the monument was paid for by the Klan? It’s a monument to traitors that wanted to uphold slavery and viciously was responsible for the deaths of thousands.

There are shows that deal with alternate timelines, but they are confined to a what if scenario that is worse than our current reality: The Man in the High Castle and Confederate. How about a show that deals with the scenario, what if Sherman had razed the south? Finished the job, so to speak. The battle cry alone

I heard there are plenty of Nazi and Confederate flags below this platform, fashy fellas. Just line up in a nice, orderly manner as befits the master race, and we’ll send you on your way.

The only criticism I have of this is that the traitor’s flag was not wrapped around one of the traitors at the time.

If the white supremacist snowflakes are triggered over the burning of a confederate flag, I can’t wait to see their reaction to this:

But that could offend some of the good nazis mentioned by President Trump

She should burn more of them.  Throw in some Nazi flags too.  Make it a bonfire!

Good for her.

Burning a flag=not ok because God blessed America. Burning a cross=ok because...

Not a Georgia voter, but I will literally cast avote for anyone who publicly burns any symbol of the confederacy. I’ll give bonus dead people illegal Soros votes if idiotic rednecks are wearing said confederate symbols at the time of the burning.