
Mussolini is my favorite dictator precisely because he ended up hung by his ankles and stoned to a pulp.  I thought I wouldn’t get a chance to see such a beautiful sight in my lifetime. 

Yes, he is, and his interview in Austria just completely lays bare his white nationalist vision for the US:

A fucking total idiot. Trumpies are morons, plain and simple and the second one reveals him or herself I instantly know that everything they say and “believe” in is rooted in willful ignorance and good old fashioned stupidity.

He is also very aware that he can get away with it because the media and those of us with an understanding of the word won’t believe he understands the full connotations of “I’m a nationalist”.

I could not say it any better, except I’d add a part after stupid

I live in Steve King's district. If he by God ever became President somehow, we all might as well shoot ourselves. That man is full black hearted evil

Hahahaha. No, Maggie Haberman will write that we really can’t know for sure whether Trump means the same white supremacism that we think he means, David Brooks will do a long riff chiding Democrats for highlighting the word  “supremacist” instead of using the more decorous “rugged individualist”, and Harpers will

I think he knows exactly what it means. He is also very aware that he can get away with it because the media and those of us with an understanding of the word won’t believe he understands the full connotations of “I’m a nationalist”.

Better than the rapture, World War III will happen, and given the weapons used to fight such war, you can skip the rapture straight to the Apocalypse.

Look man, because you’re a good person you don’t see the obvious solutions in the back pockets of people who are baby snatchers/jailers.  Look at the common threads.  They hate immigrants.  They love walls.  They love guns.  It doesn’t take a genius to see where the logic goes with these degenerates.

Just read the comments under that tweet in the above article. This poison is all too familiar.

Those who don’t study (and appreciate it rather than attempting to re-write it) are doomed to repeat it..And so many of his supporters don’t know history or they have Junkie Vision (ie: That won’t happen to me, they couldn’t handle their shit, I can. So said so many dead and buried junkies). The ones that have lived

When the globe does not do well, large numbers of people start moving. From North Africa and the Middle East to Europe; from Central America to the US. That caravan? That’s because some countries are not doing well. So Trump wants to freeze US aid to them, like yeah, that’ll help. Also you get wars, and the rise of

My take: if you think your race makes you superior in any way to another race, you're stupid. 

“A globalist is a person who wants the globe to do well, frankly, not caring about our country so much.”

Now playing

Eh, many of them are like that, but there are also MANY of them out there that know exactly what “nationalist” means and love Trump for proudly, publicly saying so.

That dumb motherfucker doesn’t even know what “nationalist” even means. He doesn’t know the history of or associations with that word. He just knows the morons cheer when he says it, so he says it a bunch and will continue to.

Well he couldn’t admit to being a National Socialist now could he? That would be embracing evil socialism! So he’ll just tighten that up and call himself a Nationalist. Nothing wrong with that, right?