
I’m trying not to hold the acting against anyone . . . yet - as the actors are still finding their voice. But yeah, I’m not finding the love for him.

The Doctor definitely hates guns, but Ryan wasn’t using a gun (this time). As for Adam, he was trying to get rich off future tech so that wasn’t even remotely the same situation. I can understand the grey area here though, especially since it was never made clear if the device kills people or just displaces them in

>>> “Some of that bluntness could, at times, come off as being too on-the-nose....” <<<

Now playing

I get that, and I can’t say I’d blame Ryan, but given this:

I think it was a very different situation. Tim was — at that time — threatening a (relatively) few people. That racist was trying to destroy the entire universe’s future. He had to go.

Honestly, I think being exposed to that much vile racism and the fact that racist asshole was planning on creating an even more evil future made the Doctor let Ryan’s actions go.

Doe sit strike anyone else as odd that the Doctor would tolerate, and not even chide, a companion who repairs, and then shoots someone, with a weapon that she herself had repeatedly condemned? (She even called it “deadly”, which is odd considering that its whole point was *not* to be directly deadly.)

“...the TARDIS was less for visiting alien worlds than it was getting a window into human history...”

The more I think about the episode the more I like it. It works well as a little primer for Rosa Parks.

Um Trump Tweet Mad Libs would probably make a decent little side business. (OMG Mad Libs=Mad Liberals).

The decision was made by the “old-school” Republicans - always posing as “civil” when they were evil, bloody-handed MFers - when they put Shrub in as POTUS on a party-fixed, 5-4 vote.

The Governor of Michigan shut down a lot of the polling places in Detroit, possibly explaining Trump winning Michigan. Don’t know what happened in PA but that’s two out of the three big states Trump won that happened because of voter suppression

The crooked racist orange santorum-covered enemy of the people’s tweet reads like a Mad Libs filled in by boring people:

I think it’s even worse than that. The way these stories get written, it’s almost like the media just accepts that voter suppression is just another perfectly valid tactic a party can use to win an election.

So rather than trying to deny it happens (impossible) voter suppression instead gets reframed as something like:

I want her to win so bad! Those Republican fuckers and their blatant voter suppression are terrible, awful people. 

It’s half-assed because trump has no idea who he is or what he’s done. Like half a fart, not quite a shit, out his heinous anus.

One of the great frustrations of these things is that the political reporters either toss it off as “something that happens in elections” or frame it in such a way that the fact that it’s an attempt to suppress people of color’s votes isn’t a provable fact but merely an “accusation” or a “some people say” type story

Democratic rule of thumb: in the absence of any other info, vote for the person who is defending your right to fucking vote.

“He has been successful at whatever he has done”

This race is neck and neck. If he ekes out a win (via voter suppression, or whatever other tricks he has up his sleeve through the election), then it’s just another sign that democracy is well and truly dead in America. I’ll wait until 2020 to call it, but this is the scariest part of it all. We’ve already accepted