
“Traditional-values families are transing children for picking a certain colour blanket because for them having a straight trans child seems easier than a gender non-conforming or gay chil”

I’ll tell you what, Transracial will be a thing when you can show me studies showing brain patterns more closely matching their identified race. When you can show me how throughout history people feeling they should be a different race so strongly they commit suicide. When you can show me more studies showing the

I know you’re a troll from the way you parrot transphobic propaganda, but I’ll tell you anyway that you’re full of shit. Your assertion that “[m]ost of those gender non-conforming children would grow up to be happy, well-adjusted gay adults” is based on studies conducted as long ago as the 1960s, which never, ever

“Half of them just jumped on the bandwagon” ok, dipshit. By this logic wouldn’t that mean he raped the other half?

A campaign to encourage women to run is desperately needed

Maybe Bernie should start an anti Democratic party and just run candidates in these deep red districts. They can have his liberal economic policies and also have a strong anti-establishment and anti-Democratic party vibe which would probably be enough to swing some seats.

Maybe don’t waste 25 million dollars on a telegenic, 30 year-old empty suit who ran on bold promises like “cutting government waste” and “working across the aisle”.

No reason to think that would’ve helped in GA06. It’s a Republican district. Maybe if Ossoff had actually lived in the district, he could’ve voted for himself.

We didn’t lose by as much!” -One party’s rallying cry.

It’s a wealthy district full of the “fuck you, I got mine” mindset. These people are only convinced that a living wage would mean their bottom line gets hurt.

My state elects republican governors regularly. It passed gun control to keep black people from protecting themselves against police brutality. It had racial covenants to keep black people out of white neighborhoods. The LAPD did shit that would make bull Connor blush. Hell, we voted for a racist immigration

Corey Booker is beholden to lobbyists and Wall Street. No thanks.

What’s happening in Syria right now is so worrying. I mean, more so than usual. The US shot down a Syrian jet and the Russians has suspended the incident-prevention hotline. Then it said it will treat all coalition planes (west of the Euphrates river) as targets. Australia suspended their strikes for the time being.

I do not want the choice to be between him and Cory Booker. NOOOOO.

Yup, the microwave plan was far-fetched and convoluted. In other words, it was comic-booky, which is exactly what I want in a superhero movie. And how exactly is it out of place in a movie that also has a device that summons thousands of bats to one location, a ancient league of Ninja Assasins, and a “fear gas”? And

I actually liked her band of war misfits better than in Cap 1, even though Cap 1 is my favorite superhero movie ever. Mostly because in Cap, he has 6-7 of them, and they barely get more than a name. In Wonder Woman, you get 3 (not including Steve) and all three are well explored. I especially liked how they delved

The final battle sequence could have easily been 10 - 15 minutes shorter. I did think some of the wire work was pretty incredible while some of the other sequences were a bit more comic book like. It was a pretty fun movie overall and far better than any of the other DC movies (besides the Nolan Batman films).

I would have been OK with that. But seeing a Harry Potter professor, that STILL LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE A HARRY POTTER PROFESSOR in a suit of armor was really... off-putting. Like, if even the mustache would have disappeared when he armored up, it would have been a little more believable. Or if his full beard would have

What bothered me more than that is that while they spend the first 20 minutes after introducing Steve Trevor explaining how impossibly huge the war was, when it comes down to the actual fighting it all becomes very small - a hundred yards of no man’s land, one machine gun nest, one trench, and one village in the rear.