
My bro was there and said a black Brit started cursing out an Eastern European guy and calling him illegal when he bumped into him on public transit.

We need to change the system so dark money isn’t a part of politics. All the people who were out protesting Trump? They need to be protesting that. If the system won’t change, then we need to overthrow the system. Yes, it’s radical but this is the way we live as a society that we’re talking about.

That’s another one. Get the lung cancer vaccine!

Iceland. They’re pretty problematic there, as anywhere but have anarchist and socialist influences, prosecuted their bankers and are almost 100% on renewable energy.

So when do we see the brown females with white men? There are much fewer because men pursuing a white woman is seen as the default.

There are worse places. Feministcurrent comes to mind.

You seem to have a weird resentment of Asian women.

It’d be nice if he dated one more seriously though. Hopefully we see that in future seasons.

This is literal cancer. I honestly gained less insight than I would’ve watching a dog chase its own tail.

Even if he’s less oppressed than white woman (debatable), doesn’t mean he’s not oppressed.

I kind of wonder if this biracial woman who is claiming brown women from Asia aren’t oppressed is white passing.

Because the Scots-Irish are firmly in the white category while some Asian communities are put into different racial categories. South Asians for example are lumped in with some African and Middle Eastern people.

Fetishization of Asian women is a big one. Hard to be blind to that one.

If you think whites don’t have power over Asians you’re misinformed.

What is it with the literal worst takes on this site today? The “Model Minority” is a myth created by white people designed to divide POC. Yes, black people have it worse but Asians are oppressed too.

More like whining about only interracial relationships on screen.

This is the dumbest take. All the articles are about heterosexual characters! And there’s a reason why there aren’t shows with a brown woman main character only going after white guys. It’s called sexism.

And I’m black on both sides but look white as fuck because slave masters raped my female ancestors. But dare mention that and it blows the minds of white liberals who champion interracial relationships as inherently progressive.