
I don’t mean to sound condescending here, but I’m kind of surprised by people’s surprise. This is exactly where I thought our country was headed on 9/11/01.

Idiocracy was a utopia in comparison. At least President Camacho in that reality actually wanted good things for his people. This current government just wants good things for Brawndo.

Gizmodo Media is owned by a 10 billion dollar conglomerate. They are willing to lose a few million a year on sites like The Root and Jezebel, in order to push their narrative and protect themselves from taxes.

In the cannon of great romance movies, the diversity on the girl to be “got” is limited to sexy/adorable/clutzy/nerdish/girl next door/tomboy/southern/ice queen/manic White girl. As if to say only white faces launch a thousand ships. Yes Nanjiani and Ansari wrote poignant stories that reflect the truth of their own

Thank you! As a mixed girl (black/white) I really haven’t been able to see the “author hates biracial people” argument being made at the top of the page. WOC especially black women get the short end of the stick in our society that places whiteness above everything else. Yeah my parents loved each other but their

I do feel like it’s changing...very, VERY slowly. I think globalism is contributing to it; if I’m not mistaken, Asian people make up the largest population on the planet (I assume that’s the case since India and China both have well over a billion people). I just wish it’d get to the point where seeing an Asian

Tell that to my Chinese students who have had bottles thrown at them while walking down the street and people yelling “Go back to China.”

It’s kind of amazing how terrible the comments are. I’m usually in agreement with most of the commenters on here because I’m usually reading articles about Trump (who almost all commenters hate) or the Real Housewives (who almost all commenters like to mock).

Here’s what I’d like to add:

In what possible way are Asians being thwarted by a society that treats them better than the oppressors are treated?

Nobody will probably see this because there are already 300+ comments, but there is so much paternalistic white racism in the comments that I still wanted to leave one to let the author know that someone stands in solidarity with her.

You know who also hides behind stats to withhold empathy? White supremacists.

Jessica Jones?

Which ‘Asians’? Many Asian (Southeast Asian in particular) communities are among the poorest people in this fucking country, right along with Natives and Latinx & Black folk. Look at actual data. And “Asian” includes an enormous swath of people, many of whom experience poverty and state violence, and all of whom are

Right, Asians are so respected that Chris Rock can parade three Asian kids onto the stage at the Oscars as the butt of a joke. Isn’t it adorable how all Asians are child-worker math nerds?

absolutely. I am black & I know what that is like everyday, good & bad but whites are still the rich ruling class with privilege. Asian Americans are not. They are the butt of jokes from all people groups, not just whites. How many people say rice and slant eye jokes or Indians smell, etc? I also will not be stopped

Do you know how many Sikh men & hijab-clad Asian women alone have been murdered, brutalized, and humiliated in this country in just the last decade? You are embarrassing, dude. And “Asian” includes everything east of occupied Palestine and west of California, sooo..... shhhh

Yeah, racism is a problem among many Asian immigrants. As I said above though, not all Asians are faring well in American society and that you lump all Asians together in some monolithic bloc shows just how otherly Asians are in American society.

So you took this article about how media overlooks black and brown women in romantic leads and took that as a hatred of interracial relationships and biracial people... okay?

The fuck? How did you get “I hate biracial people” from a simple request for non-white men-creatives to stop erasing brown women and a reminder that “interracial relationship” doesn’t mean exclusively <insert non-white race/ethnicity here>+white? Stop making something that’s not about you about you. -Offspring of a