
The more concerning thing to me is that these reports go back to at least September 2016 — well before the election.

Oh my, now you’re really reaching. Out of the thousands of protestors, ‘some’ according to the article, set fires in the snow, and so the whole movement is thereby discredited. Such high standards. BTW; according to your own article, the buildings and structures were burned. It was a symbolic gesture of leaving that

I have no doubt but that the army had to finish the job that, even according to your article, was begun by the Sioux Tribe and the protestors. You did read the part about forced evacuation, and, again, according to your own article: The site, once occupied by thousands of environmental demonstrators, is now vacant.

I work for an environmental non profit, and we had a phD candidate studying cyber security and encryption give us a presentation on protecting yourself online recently. The big takeaway was that (quote from memory, but it did stick) “we’ve actually found environmental activists are specifically targeted at a very

Check Snopes, next time. People left temporarily due to a blizzard (and a forced evacuation), and then returned to aid in cleanup. Pesky little facts.

I don’t remember that being President Obama’s slogan, whose administration oversaw this undertaking.

The FBI has gone after a number of American Indian groups. This isn’t surprising if you know the history.

Yes, I always thought there was a lot of overlap between unarmed, non-violent protesters and jihadists who send suicide bombers into crowded markets.

And before you know it, we are in a plot for an alternative history novel! ;-)

Yeah, “cuck” is a downright bizarre and fucked up thing to call a kid. Not to mention the racist/sexist connotations. I had a family friend who would very lightly tease me and so I’m not necessarily against light teasing (but I think kids need to have a certain kind of personality to handle and enjoy that kind of

I don’t know how old you are, but this is especially hard for single women of a certain age. It is unfortunately still true that when women marry and have families, many of them lose touch with friends, and it becomes very isolating if you are still single. I used to keep in touch with my best friends regularly,

You sound like me let’s be friends! I’ll give u my number seriously.

I would say, “Please google the word ‘cuck’ on your phone right now. Is this what you really mean to say?” in your bitchiest tone.

I have always felt like I’m just on the outside of something. Like there’s a secret, hidden world that others have access to that I just can’t reach. Anyway, just wanted to say that you’re not alone. And if you want to get bangs, you should! The end. By me.

I’ve had similar experiences. Some people have a different idea of friendship. Mean people may have more “friends” but I doubt they view it as a relationship. The are people to hang with and be forgotten when they become inconvenient.

You sound like a good person and based exclusively on your post I wonder if you don’t share enough. One sided conversations are hard on both people, in terms of relationship building. If you only ever listen people may not feel like they really know you. You sound worth knowing.

It’s especially annoying seeing people try to make him a “thing” when he’s actually a spineless sycophant who voted in favor of Harper’s worst Bills, moreover not holding to one single promise he made on the campaign trail.

I was being facetious, but Poe’s Law.

No, don’t stop.... this is soooo neoliberal hot. You know... really... that these woke baes are all about the capitalism. Sell me.