
Oh, libertarian capitalists. In some ways close to understanding, but so delusional.

And when we have a black president who doesn’t continue power structures that kill and disempower POC.


Yeah, their British election coverage should be enough to make you dismiss them.

Reminds me of when my brother got cheated out of being valedictorian by giving arbitrary numerical values to his freshman year grades at a private school with a completely different scale.

Not to mention Yemen surpassing Syria as the world’s greatest humanitarian crisis. Not that anyone will cover it.

“One death is a tragedy. One million is a statistic.”

This is a literal thing that happened. Not sure where the confusion is.

Dems went back and brought down their own single-payer plan though.

I know I’m late but this is important. Police literally using rape as punishment for journalists.

No, 76% voted against him and they only went for him when faced with French David Duke’s daughter.


Going in the direction of Macron would be the same thing the Dems have been doing for 25 years.

A woman ran but lost in the primary for the SC seat but I don’t know of many others.

The painstaking length of our elections is irritating. In a little over a half a year we’ll be talking about midterms. Then, right after those are done assholes will be talking about running in 2020.

I’ve been saying that the Greens, or someone need to radically redirect their approach and run more in red states to woo working class voters.

Honestly, getting more people who yell a lot is probably the best strategy at this point.

As if letting institutions who prey on poor POC and defending drone strikes isn’t racist.

That whole situation is definitely a shitshow. We’re angling for war in multiple places which is terrifying but unsurprising.

He’s also terrible for numerous reasons.