
And it’s literally because Prokhorov saw the Knicks maxing out in FA in 2012 and decided it was a good model to imitate.

From what I’ve read, the FO legitimately thought that was going to happen. Which is crazy because even the most optimistic Nets fans at the time thought we had a two year window.

I remember I was really concerned about how many assets the Nets had been giving up prior to the deal. I hated the trade when I first heard about it but got talked into it and bought into the hype. Why the fuck did I let that happen? I could also totally see PP and KG’s lack of faith throughout the season.

But just wait until everyone’s healthy together. That’s gonna be some team! /s

So are you a proponent of “women born women” only spaces? And if so, is that (genetic testing) how you’d enforce them?

I wish I could tell you different, but having lived about 40 minutes from Hudson all my life, I can’t stand it here. There are a few places like Hudson around that are nice but not much else outside of it.

That’s too bad. Bi erasure is real, and it sucks that your mom was so dismissive of it.

Wasn’t that kind of the point of the ending (just finished the show)? I also liked the parallels between Dev’s self-sabotage in terms of relationships with both Rachel and Francesca.

Sorry that the existence of a group of people doesn’t do enough for women.

You didn’t say either of those things but you implied that my comparing transphobia to Milo was offensive. If you’re so concerned with biological sex, then how do you propose determining it?

Yeah, some anti-Hillary memes have been pretty bad with gendered criticisms. We should all self-crit about how we criticize women on any end of the spectrum.

Gabbard is an opportunist, no question. Turner wanted Bernie to join the Green ticket? That honestly makes me like her more.

I’ll stand by my statement. Yes, this ended up making the Warriors OP, but sports is a weird world and anything could’ve happened. In this case, the expected did.

Ok, Milo also outs trans- women, making them vulnerable to violence but I guess that doesn’t matter to you. I’m not conflating shit. I’m discussing two different things that happen to intersect often and discussing your faulty logic in dealing with both issues. Now, you’ve started just listing other marginalized

So, you’re for people identifying and getting surgery to be a different gender than they were born with? How is that different than trans- people? And after having their body “corrected” to fit people’s preconceived notions of what a “normal” biological sex is, and making peace with who they are, intersex people

So, do you have a problem with intersex people identifying with a gender other than the one they were born with? Is it wrong for them to get surgery to be more like a man or woman? And if not, should intersex people who’s bodies were forcibly changed to fit a gender but who’re now ok with it how it is, be treated by

Ahh, continuing to ignore the comment acknowledging the existence of intersex people. Why do I get the feeling you’ll ignore mine too?

So, I have a question. What do you think intersex people should do? You, know, the one’s born with ambiguous sex, who can develop different characteristics during puberty than the sex they were assigned at birth? Because, if you read the article, this change applies to them also. But you were too busy advancing your

She’s an obvious TERF (trans-exclusionary “radical” feminist). Here’s some of their work:

Nah, can’t stand Tulsi Gabbard or Cenk Uygur. I like the other two more but I’d like them to hold elected office first.