
Any astronaut can use this software too. Therefore, no one is seeing mars "better than" an astronaut.

@Celtic1888: I strongly disagree. They recently discovered that Lexus GX 460 electronic traction problem which would have definitely killed people. Their testing is first-rate and they have no allegience to any advertisers. It's too bad there aren't more outfits like them. We now place more faith in casual blog

What's funny is that if Blockbuster had not come along, there would be an outcry now about how Netflix is shutting down mom & pop stores. Blockbuster did that first, and now no one cares that Netflix is replacing Blockbuster.

@Cbullins Official Movieguy: A money judgment is payable immediately. They can go around seizing assets and garnishing his bank accounts.

@iansilv: I was in Victoria Falls some years ago. Nearby they have stalls set up with souveniers for sale. Mostly carved branches (actually pretty cool). I wqas one of few people there at the time. Anywhere else in the world, I'd be harassed into buying something. The people there — I just didn't get it. They

No man looks good wearing red glasses. Is this Sally Jesse Raphael's lost twin?

I suspect the IP4 camera is not so great at shooting moving objects, unlike a real camera. ALL of your samples are still-life photos. Try taking a photo of a dog or a running child — then you'll want your S90 back.

Those are oversaturated. It might look good for fruit but it will look bad on flesh tones in certain light. (Orange people, anyone?) I suppose this can be corrected with Snapture or another app. I agree that we're getting to the "good enough" threshhold and the point-and-shoot camera makers are starting to get

@Syntaxatron: But maybe legislation requiring the move to xxx would pass constitutional scrutiny as a reasonable restraint.

Obviously the people who drop their phones should be trading with the people who intentionally destroy their phones.

They should have used lucite for the back. Sapphire is another option but is too expensive.

These scores are statistically indistinguishable, particularly because they are subjective. Seems to me that there is no improvement.

Ridiculous. If the antenna is on the outside, there's no reason for the back to be made of glass. They could have used a more durable material. With each day I move further and further away from deciding to upgrade my perfectly functional 3GS.

The "phone" has always been the weakest part of what is really a portable personal computer. I can't believe that they STILL have not updated the original stupid ring tones from three years ago. Bark and Quack and Robot! If they took the phone functionality seriously they would have included some usable ringtones.

Here is My Philosophy: Insurance should be purchased only to protect against catastrophic loss. Not a loss that will be annoying, expensive or irritating, or that will prevent you from saving up for the next gadget, but a loss that will materially alter your lifestyle. So, a home, a life, health, disability, car

@waclark57: I'm pretty sure AmEx does include theft coverage in the first few months.

"I can't call my girlfriend and get her to approve a shirt I'm trying on at a store. I can't call my buddies and show off a gigantic cheeseburger I'm about to eat at a restaurant. I can't call my parents and show them the landmark I'm standing in front of on vacation."

"You just hold your phone out in front of you, awkwardly, and look at the other person looking back at you, also awkwardly. And you wonder, why are we doing this?"

Too late. Unlike various standards that stuck (VHS, CD), there is no standard format for video or film. We are forever doomed to fiddle with aspect ratio when watching content.

@Chernobyl: That's so 2007. Or whenever it was.