
Someone please tell us if there are any new default ringtones instead of barking and quacking. Thank you.

@mcr_fan: I think there will be a fair amount of confusion and shock, which should allow the victim to escape unless confined. If confined (such as in someone's apartment) I fear this is going to escalate the situation and result in homicide.

@anexanhume: Dude, he cut himself in the name of gadget science. Twice!

Pulitzer material in progress. I'm impressed that Giz sent someone overseas to research an article. Isn't that journalism? Nice.

@Barion: The point is that this problem would be quite manageable if it were on the surface. We capped many out-of control blazing wells during the first Gulf War that Saddam set on fire. Much, much harder to do anything when you're a mile below the surface.

@ntriervyinhe: "it kept failing after I had entered my CC info"

@ntriervyinhe: "it kept failing after I had entered my CC info"

@Arken: Didn't I read that Apple just extended the exclusivity period? Why? The reason they chose AT&T is that Verizon refused to give them control over the OS and Apps because Verizon makes money on the downloads. Huge blunder for Verizon — I switched.

@Arken: The Apple ordering system was shut down too.

I think the last part with the AT&T rep should be moved up in the post. It provides some potentially very valuable information and could explain what's going on. Could save people hours of waiting on the phone for customer service or stop them from placing a duplicate order elsewhere. Even if it's accurate, AT&T is

@Barion: Rebuttal fail. That was an incident in 1910, a HUNDRED years ago. We have safer, moderns ways of doing this now.

@xgad: No, that's not really what I mean. That's intended to measure how good humans are at that very task compared to computers. I'm talking about using the precision that we learn when shooting aliens and turning that into some kind of productive work.

@daytripper1: Actually, American Express covers accidental loss, theft or damage for a certain period after purchase. He should see whether he can make a claim.

The police come to watch at 3:44 (in the background).

I have always wondered: Why can't someone create a video game that actually turns human effort into useful work product? Games are all about entertainment but people work so hard to achieve awards. If we could find a way to direct that effort towards unlocking biotech puzzles or doing the kinds of things that we

"If there's one thing I need more of in my life, it's exposure to advertisements. I mean, I just don't see enough of them!"

@Schalliol: I disagree. You need time for dissemination to the masses. If this had been announced by Jobs, not as many people would have heard about it second-hand. The reason for the pent-up demand is that people heard about it weeks ago, heard about the scandal, read up on the phone and make a mental note to buy

Do you realize that 600,000 phones at an average price of, say, $300 means they were looking at 180 MILLION DOLLARS in sales in a single day? Wow.