My first car was an ‘85 GLH. This saddens me.
My first car was an ‘85 GLH. This saddens me.
I saw two stock ones this weekend. TWO... TWO!!!!!! I couldn’t believe it. I didn’t know such a thing existed.
My first car was an Omni GLH-S... so it was a fair bit faster than anything a 16 year old should have. But my parents figured it was just an Omni with some stick on appearance parts to make it look like a GTI.
I own the second most hated car ever... a New Beetle. I bought it in ‘08. It was 9 years old and had 430,000 km on it. 7 years later, it’s got 680,000 on it... it’s cost me less than $2k in repairs over that time, and I’ve since acquired three more of them, one lifted, one with a VR6 swap, and one that’s basically…
I just think it should have been an option. I’ve given up on having a family, so I’m still all for a useless 2 door that seats two in mediocre comfort.
Hahahaha... yes.
Having worked at basically manufacturer level on a race team... a lot of government regs require that test vehicles be destroyed after one year. I watched a few fairly awesome and successful race cars get squashed flat after all their glory as a result of this. It’s a stupid waste.
Fanciest fluid catch systems I’ve ever seen... yet they use channel locks on the hose clamps.
I’ve never seen a 911 just lose all compression on a cold morning though... and I never want to see one with 4 doors. (Yeah, I’m aware of the prototype in the late 60s).
I’ve been $48,000 worth of stuck before, but another XJ managed to tow me out.
YESSSSSSS. And it doesn’t have ridiculous half doors on the rear!
Is it bad that I still kinda want to build a Winnebuggo?
Best title image ever. doesn't even look phased. Or damaged for that matter.
If you look closely at the “AstroVan” at KSC, the headlights are shimmed up by piles of small washers to get the aim correct. I thought this was hilarious.
The same car I was trying to sell attracted all the weirdos... a running, driving, low mileage ‘91 BMW 318is with some tasteful OEM upgrades. Like BBS wheels. Moron #1- “Would you trade for an ‘86 325e with no engine?”
‘71 911. Just such a mechanical, raw car. Not the fastest by any means, but the sound and the way it drives is just perfect. And the shifting... To the unfamiliar, it’s kind of like a mop in a bucket of coal, but when you figure out the right technique in a vintage Porsche, it’s pretty satisfying.