No no no, you people just don’t understand physics. The gyroscopic effect of the high-mounted wheels help stabilize this FrankenYota at high speeds. Makes it impossible to turn, but it’s rock steady at 100 kph.
No no no, you people just don’t understand physics. The gyroscopic effect of the high-mounted wheels help stabilize this FrankenYota at high speeds. Makes it impossible to turn, but it’s rock steady at 100 kph.
Is it wrong I just immediately notice the Thundercats insignia on the van? What’s weirder still is the van appears to be in some sort of livery. Is there some sort of Mexican ambulance service that’s using Thundercats as its logo?
Not a car person, but because I watched “My Cousin Vinnie” I know what this means!
Think bigger: “The Cars of Foo” ... I want to know what Pat Smear drives.
Any relation to this guy?
I could lose my PE for stamping a design that had that reactor core flaw!
Oh good point; I was just assuming they were taking the stamped set.
Not true, we archive and store in their native cad format, which can be very large. Now we use 4-D Building Information Modeling software for architectural models which can have very large file sizes. I suspect the Empire would have used something at least as sophisticated. They had an extremely aggressive…
I just don’t understand why the files were so big. Architectural and engineering plans are typically saved to PDF in vector format. Regardless of intergalactic file type (Interstellar Engineering Format?), it’s only reasonable to have vector engineering drawings (I can’t fathom that they would hand draw the Death…