
It’s just frustrating to see how militant people who work for this site, and commenters, will go in on certain situations which are very minor, specifically when the target happens to be someone non-black, but when it comes to Tiffany (or others) doing and saying some fucked up shit, it’s treated as joke.

That’s awfully prejudiced of you to say. It just seems like a vast over-reaction based on a single allegation, one that doesn’t even level a charge of physical abuse. If he was emotionally abusive then her decision to stay was a mistake and you can’t blame others for mistakes you allowed yourself to make.

I have my own issues with The Root at times, but how the authors and editors bend over backward to support Tiffany Haddish after one movie (which was decent, at best), is mind-noggling.

She’s shown herself to be someone who cant keep her mouth shut about situations even when the proximate entities ask her to

The fact that this site can’t see what’s wrong with this is sad.

If if anyone thinks that the Bay Area is an overly white area, they probably haven’t been there in about 20 years.

Wow, that seems pretty heavy handed for a simple allegation of a bad relationship. Even by her own writing she doesn’t say she was raped, she had sex when she wasn’t in the mood. Why didn’t she end the relationship if she found him so detestable? This seems to be conflating regret with assault.

I read her essay. From her literal descriptions of it, it sounds like there was emotional abuse and possible sexual pressuring. It’s one person’s interpretation of a bad relationship. I’m sure he has his as well. I feel bad for her that she was in such a bad relationship. But that’s what it was - a bad relationship.

What happened to the long threads discussing the initial article? Were they actually removed? Because, seriously, if comments pointing out that the first Winslow article was horribly researched and pretty much wholly wrong is a bad thing, then having an expectation of journalistic integrity from this site is wrong. So

I mean, the sad thing is that he didn’t co-opt the movement...some of us handed it over to him before we’d even known the details of the story.

I really liked how you guys were originally spinning this as #HouseHuntingWhileBlack. The story was suspect from jump. We don’t need to stan for literally everybody.

Seriously? This is some petty nonsense right here. The ‘I don’t know her’ tweet was a little bit bitchy, at worst, but making a big deal out of the rest of these tweets and even the Amy Winehouse corpse is ridiculous. Dead celebrities are a thing at Halloween. Must be a slow news day.

I think we should all evaluate others based on their interactions in elementary school. It is the only real assessment of someone’s character.

My understanding is that she violated hygiene protocols in the dancing videos. Like she or her staff touched their bodies, faces, and/or other non-sterile items with their gloves on and then proceeded to operate.

Human beings are hard-wired to be attracted to other human beings. When you put people together in a place where they see each other often, they tend to form relationships. This is not breaking news. This is basic human nature. You will never successfully or productively police the relationships, so the only thing you

There’s got to be a reasonable compromise to be reached here. No, academia can’t be treated as though it’s uniquely immune to sexual harassment rules and laws. But neither will it help the problem to forbid teacher-student relationships, which absolutely are inevitable, just as those in the workplace. There’s nothing

No, people who don’t believe in vaccines are absolutely fuckwits and it is not okay to have a differing opinion. Science isn’t about opinions. It’s about verifiable facts. The facts indicate that vaccines do not have any relation to autism. If your mom believes otherwise, she is a crap pediatrician.

They believe based on their own experiences? You realize that’s not enough, right? If you can bring research to the table that backs up these claims, by all means. Because personal experience alone is not gonna cut it. Even if you’re a pediatrician.

1) So, I am relieved to hear this, because I expected Kat Von D to do something much worse, like be an active white supremacist or say undocumented immigrants are criminals or something.

Oh fuck off. Seriously.

I’ve read every one of his books, including the cookbooks — and he always wrote good apologies in his post scripts when he changed his views on something he’d written earlier, which is one reason I think people liked him so much. I loved his work and persona, and this loss really hurts. I feel for his family and loved