I know - why can’t we just have a slick, completely unrealistic heist movie? There’s an ‘expert jeweler’ character. Nothing about this is supposed to be relatable, and that’s fine.
I know - why can’t we just have a slick, completely unrealistic heist movie? There’s an ‘expert jeweler’ character. Nothing about this is supposed to be relatable, and that’s fine.
Yea all this shit about russian hackers is complete lunacy. Y’all are the blue state equivalent of the people who were demanding to see Obama’s birth certificate.
This is what’s bugging me a bit. At the end of the day, I think it’s just human nature to defend those we either like or represent our chosen political party.
Thank you! The way people are bending over backwards to defend her because she’s a black woman is absurd. It’s not like there aren’t any other women of color who haven’t made such gross statements/posts. And I don’t even think she should be fired or anything but if she was either white or a man, people here would want…
At this point, it could come out that she shot someone on Fifth Avenue and she wouldn’t lose her job. Why that is, I have no idea.
I know we’re supposed to lock arms and defend Reid, but she makes it fucking difficult when her blog posts are hateful shit, her excuses are flimsy or outright lies, and her apologies weak. There are better black women to defend and promote. MSNBC should bring back Melissa Harris-Perry, and give her the daily time…
However much I may be aligned with Joy Reid politically, I tuned out her insufferably patronizing condescension long ago. ... It’s ironic that a liberal commentator who relies heavily on taking those on the right to task for words and actions of years past — sometimes many years earlier than her own past foul…
So she did write these ones? No “hacking”? No “FBI investigation”?
Didn’t she also have a secret dorky side that he appreciated? In addition to being stupendously rich & hot?
Didn’t I also see “heiress” in the description? Hot and rich? Whattaya need, a road map??
Yeah, most Hollywood screenplays of any genre have a structure where the main character has an external “want” (in rom-coms, this is typically the affections of another person), which they initially fail to obtain, because of an internal “need” (in rom-coms, this is typically some personal growth/maturity). By…
“Yet Hitch definitely still positions women as prizes to be won, leaving little room for the idea that women might have their own foibles, hang-ups, or preferences when it comes to dating.”
I admit it’s been many years since I watched this movie, but Hitch never really came across like a pickup artist to me (the bits quoted in this article also seem that way). He seems more like a life coach who helps his clients improve their social skills and attractiveness.
“ it never actually stops to explain why he’s so in love with her in the first place, other than the fact that she’s stunning.” - No, it explained it right there in the last two words.
It used to be that crashes and deaths caused by driving while drunk was just considered a part of the inherent risk of driving. People drive; people drink; sometimes bad things happen. Such is life. It took a concerted effort of pissed of moms of dead kids to say that conceptualization was fucked up and it’s not only…
I don’t know if there is a “right” way for parents to behave and speak out after something like this but this feels gross to me. Apologize for what your child did and then shut up. I’m sure it’s hard to process something like this but it’s just not the same thing as having your child murdered in cold blood, ESPECIALLY…