
Every 3 to 3.5 weeks I work 240 hours. Makes perfect sense it would take LiLo nearly 3 years to do 120.

Lohan puts the Quit in mosquito. (sorry, i'll show myself out now.)

Someone needs to take a stand against Big Mosquito! They've been sucking us regular folk dry for YEARS!

It's a liability issue. Many chapters have to fill out crazy paperwork for these events before they can happen. Social events with alcohol, social events without alcohol, philanthropy events, etc. all have different forms you have to fill out to be approved by the inter/national office. Among other things, how sisters

I agree! You can't reimburse for patchwork quilts made by your grandmother. In my family those are supposed to be treated like sacred relics.

I'm confused. You get punished for not attending parties, but being barred from parties is a punishment?

because its not vandalism, it's all in good fun.

Agreed. Like, why wasn't the asshole/s who vandalized her room "blacklisted"? How is it her fault she has parents who appear to give a crap about their kid's well-being?

That last story is just awful. :( :( :(


" of my pledgesisters still refuses to speak to me and spits the ground when my name is mentioned."

With a bit of googling, I just discovered that the face tattooed on Abbi's back is Oprah's.

This was fucking amazing. On at least 1 dozen occasions, I have foregone going running or going to a cardio class and instead opted for dancing around my apartment and singing for an hour until I'm a sweaty mess.

This is the floor shitting guy, right?

Late term, yes. Not because it is murder or the fetus can feel pain, but because the tissue is more baby shaped and that makes it harder for some people to keep in mind that it is not yet a living, independent being. It is clinical and calm, but for some people there is a difference between knowing what the

The real story:

My mother is a medical examiner. She has people contact her about wanting to observe an autopsy. She has to explain every time that autopsies are not a form of entertainment, that the person she is performing an autopsy on was once alive and has family, friends etc still living, that it's a gross violation of that

... Because you didn't. At least not in the way discribed.

Sure you did, son.