
"Who are the Dutch??"

I thought I saw it on NF streaming but maybe not. The Ken Burns docs are all good, especially the civil war one. There is one about Frank Lloyd Wright that is really good and another about design called "Objectified".


They are so well done, Jiro especially, that you will be drawn in regardless of your lack of interest in sushi. His personal story is the real subject.

The new code also bans witchery, reanimation of the dead, putting human clothes on livestock, cartoon worship, spell casting, use of telepathy to cheat at board games, levitation and wizardism.

Yeah, I've seen all of those too. The NatGeo ones are dropping in quality I think in favor of sensational topics. Still interesting though.

Where's all the ass whoopings??

The National Geographic doc? Yeah, that was a good one.

If a has-been ex child star smokes a pile of crack and starts throwing drugs out the window then she has a "mental illness" and is taken to a psychiatric care facility. If anyone else does it they get tazed, beaten down and thrown in a cell with the Aryan Brotherhood kick ball team.

Why do people thing she is mentally ill and not simply straight up stupid?

Nah, I needs ten so while 5 are sexing me the other 5 can be out growing cocaine.

I do not get the virgin thing.


I just rescued them from the ocean.

I'm just an average dude doin' average dude stuff. Like wearing a tuxedo on a motorcycle. Or carrying around twenty puppies. Or jumping into a swimming pool in my work clothes. Or getting into a mustard fight with my model girlfriend and the mustard fight turns into a block party. Or walking out of the office and

I think Jennifer Aniston has created more eye rolls than boners.

"R. Kellys Beard in a Can"

"Keep that kid away from me."

"The whole ‘I was surfing in Costa Rica for a month’ look.”

Stop complainin'.