
I'm sure this "Occupy" protest will be just as effective as the others.

Rick Perry is the current governor of Texas not the former.

"I wish they would make a card to help me deal with my mom and her friend Ron."

That is weird.

(Does anyone else get second-hand embarrassment for those who abbreviate "major" to "maj"?)

Holy fuck, are those two black people communicating through prison glass??

Because the fashion industry is filled with cocaine eating deviants.

If I was chained up eating out of a dog food dish in some crazy motherfuckers sex dungeon I wouldn't give a shit if Stalin and Pol-Pot busted in to rescue me.

Rock on.

Jordan Asher Major Brogan III????

Never listen to anything a man says about womens clothing.

"Whatever, no judgements can bring me down when I'm jamming the uke'."

I do not "get" Billy Corrigan's appeal either, don't worry.

Nothing about her makes any sense.

I don't get that kid.

Just speaking for myself, money is not super important. Plus, in my experience, super rich people are usually super fucking crazy. I would rather date a sane, cute, broke nurse.

That is basically true, I think, of any generation of adolescents and it's a fine way to be up to the age of about 19. After that they should get some decent shoes and some tailored pants and shirts and toss the all purpose "dress up clothes" they have worn for every wedding/funeral/court appearance for the past five

She's not hideous but she's not hot enough to be as crazy as she seems. Money does not matter as much to guys as it does to women.

"...she can have her pick of any good looking, rich, YOUNG man in the world.."